Chapter 1

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Along the boarder of a big village was an icy river that emptied into a big ocean, where the animals  would come to fish or drink. It was quite peaceful, because many animals didn't stand a chance to a big reptile. A flash of (scale/c) dove in at the water's surface, scooping up a mouthful of three fish. You were the rare species of (dragon breed). You were quite the skilled hunter and had such a talent for being a hunter. Your long wingspan scanned along the tight space between you and the water, dragging your wing tip across it's surface. Flawlessly you flown up above the water's surface and into the icy air.

You didn't even feel the cold, you could only feel such freedom in how well you could examine the land without any difficult progress. You quickly gulped down your afternoon snack of fish and continued on flying high above the clouds and over the magnificent fjords. Your amazing figure was perfect when flying. Your large wings made it easy to carry your (s/c) body in the air. You were known to be one of the few dragons who wouldn't instantly kill a human. You were still young and needed to know many things.

Closing your piercing (e/c) you took in the frosty air through your nostrils, letting out a huff of warm steamy air. Soon your body was directed downward a bit, aiming around the fjord just below you. You were broke from your peaceful flight from a shriek of another dragon. Causing you to stop in place of your flight. It's sound was filled with pain and the need of help. To your dismay you found a very young dragon stuck in a trap. It's wing was cut and it didn't look at all healthy. It had snapped trees around it and it looked painful. You squinted and then in an instant rush you flew over to the helpless dragon and landed in front of it in such shock.

"O-oh great (dragon breed) can you please help! A hunter shot me down an-and I can't mo-move!" The younger dragon pleaded in panic. You nodded and used your sharp teeth to snap off some of the ropes and wire on the smaller dragon. The dragon winced in pain from a scar on the side of it's wing and made another pained cry. Soon you furiously snapped your powerful jaws down on the rope and wire ripping it apart and swiftly throwing it off the dragon.

"Thank you, thank you great (dragon breed)" The dragon bowed down to you gratefully. A warm smile tugged at your scaled lips as you bowed back. Then your eyes caught the obvious problem on the dragons paw. It was limping and it looked injured badly. You were not professional at healing injuries but you did know that herbs and even hot rock can heal a dragon's injury.

"You have to go now." The dragon said in a panic. Something was terribly wrong. You flared your nostrils and sniffed the cool air. Smelling a human. Not just any human...It smelled more dangerous. A quick snap of a twig was all that needed to be done and you were out of there. But you forgot the dragon couldn't fly.

Finally a hunter, by the looks of it came out of the woods and ran at the younger dragon. You wouldn't dare let this take place in your sight. You opened your mighty jaws and let out a breath of hot scorching fire down at the man. Quickly you flew down and grabbed a hold of the dragon, tucking it's wings in between your careful talons. The hunter shot arrows at you and swiftly you rolled through the air, then you spread your wings out and did a free fall down the fjord.

"Whoooaaa!" The dragon tucked it's head in and you spreaded your wings out to gain balance in the air. Quickly you flew straight to your cave that was hidden in the mountains.

Arriving at your cave, you let the dragon down before you landed. From your cave it had a nice view and backround. People use to respect dragons, more like worship them. But today they were treated like vermins and were driven into remote habitats.

"T-thank you again, for saving me back there." The young dragoness said with a curt voice. You didn't usually like speaking aloud, but instead you spoke softly.

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