The Birth (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction Poem)

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Young James muttered again about Lily,
But Padfoot was to busy.
He was thinking of the next prank to play,
Hover the Malfoy clown or to make him eat stack of hay.

In came Remus, with his book and cussed about the potions rules.
Wormtail came behind him, with a cold, 
To which Madame Pomfrey had said was nothing to worry and gave him a scold,
For wasting her time.

Prongs then became silly, 
Tried to choke some fire down his belly,
The trick did not work, 
Instead he burnt up some portraits with dirt.
Wizards in it shouted out - “You shall pay!"

They ran out of the dungeon,
But were caught by Filch.
Curse his cat they said 
While drinking a mix of butter beer, 
Pumpkin juice and a bit of dread.

We have to stop getting caught,
Soon even Dumbledore won’t stand us lot,
But what can we do asked Peter,
Sounding a little disturbed and bitter.
And Remus said - We make a map.

A map? You sure the moon isn’t out today asked Siruis…
Cause you seem to have gone Moony.
I read about this the other day,
In the library, in a book, in a deep corner it lay.

Get to the point shouted James, 
Who couldn’t keep the excitement away.
It is a spell not so easy,
Done well, then life would be breezy.
We need a map of the school, with all it’s passages, 
Including the dungeons spare.

There is one said Wormtail,
I overheard the Creepers talking about it the other day,
Filch has it locked in his office.
Maybe we could try and stalk it.

James and I will seek to finish it,
We still have our seekers in it,
We will go to the old hag’s place,
And get the map, which shall be our escape.

After a week long,
Escaping the cat Filch,
Met the 4 friends befit,
At Mindnight in the common room.
James and Sirius had raided the Filch’s room 
And got more than a handful of tricks.
A box of boggart, a deadly potion, 
Some butter beer, some exploding lemonade and some snakeweed tea.
But the most prized of it all was the map, so ancient and old.
Lying dustily in the cold.

They opened it. And in it was every passage, dungeon and room.
Moony then said, 
Now it’s time to perform the spell.
He took out a book, 
Which did not seem from times anew.
For it was written for kids of the old,
Older than old Dumbledore.

He began,
"Ostende nobis, qui movet et qui manet adhuc,
Tantum ut respondeant nobis vel manent."
And in a deep voice he ended.

Wormatil sighed, James stared and Sirius asked,
Is is done at last?
What did you say, I could not understand, I’m afraid.

It is done. 
The spell read as follows - 
"Show us who moves, and who stays still,
only to us answer or else remain still."
Spoke Moony proudly.
Well we have to test it shall we,
It’s supposed to show,
All those present and moving in all of the school’s hallways.

What? If that’s true then we will be invincible,
Even Filch or Dumbledore would never be able to catch us.
We would be the Marauders…

And so shall it be,
It was the beginning of new type of deceit.
Spoke Moony in a voice loud -
"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief Makers
Are proud to present

And so it was to be, 
The era of the maraudering thieves.

Mischief Managed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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