Nothing to worry about...

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Isabella's pov

Still another week till I can go back to work full time as an FBI profiler in the BAU unit, I got shot really bad in my last case and was touch and go for a day or two, according to what Penelope Garcia said but I know Penny (am the only one that gets to call her that) She sometimes takes thing over board but at the end of it I still love her for staying with me in the hospital with her laptop so she can still help out the team when they need her.

I was in there for 2 weeks and put on home rest for 2 mouths. I can go in to work to get out of the house but I stay in Penny's Office, helping out when I can.

Also not only did Penny stay with me in the hospital, Dr Spencer Reid did as well till Hotch told him he could not let him have any more days off work, but had a talk with the Doctor about visiting, finding bad people don't really like to fall between visiting hours, so Spencer is allowed to come at any time to see and sit with me,

And that just what he did, I would wake up at 2 or 3am and find him sleeping at the bottom of my bed with a case file in his arms. Something I should also say is that myself and Spencer have been dating for about 2 years, if you ask Spencer he would tell you the mouth, weeks even the time you name it, he will tell you. Penny for one has to be the most happy and overjoyed about me and Spencer dating along with the rest of the team but penny the most.

I sat on the sofa in mine and Spencer's flat, reading one of Spencer's 1000 books, ok may not be 1000 but it looks like it, feeling happy about life and things, when my phone started going off. I leaned over to the coffee table, picking up my phone will keeping my page, looking at the ID I saw that is was a funny photo of me and Penny, smiling I answered the call "Hello mama duck" was all I said before she started talking really fast "You have to get in here and mark your territory, she's ahhhh she's just all over him and it's not nice eww, OH GOD she touching his leg," was all I could hear her saying, for the life of me I could not get what she was saying. "Penny, slow down I'm not Reid, now tell me what it is that's got your tail in a knot." I said to her, now placing my page marker in my book before putting it on the table as I sat up with my leg under me.

I could hear here taking a deep breath over the phone which made me laugh, "The new girl that is taking over for you till you come back, is all over Spencer like, she's a horny bee, always touching him, and when I say touch I mean she really goes for any place she wants, you need to get down here and mark your territory." Penny finely got out. I laugh out loud, remembering the call I got not too long ago from Spencer about this new girl, "Mama duck first of I'm not a male dog, and Spencer is not my territory he just my fiancé." I told her waiting for her to get what I have just told her, which is right Spencer asked me to marry him not long after I got back from the hospital.

"BUT YOU HAVE TO GET HERE, she's all over him again and.... wait, what, your fiancé?" and the penny drops, so to speak. I just laugh at the word loss coming from her, at the moment she only knows one word and it's "fiancé" "Yes Penny, Spencer asked me to marry him and I said yes, we were just trying to find the right time to tell you all" I told her, still get nothing from her until a loud and high 'oh my god' came over the phone, and she was like, "OHHHHH, I am so happy right now I could cry, no wait I am crying, my babies are getting married, good now get down here and show this horny bee that man is taken by the sexy queen bee" was all she said before the line went dead.

Guess I am going to work...

The elevator doors opened to showed happy and a little red eyed Penelope Garcia, the first thing she did was hug me tell me again how happy she was for me and Spencer, then she took my hand pulling me in to the main room where we all have our desks.

As I walked in I could see Spencer at his desk looking down as a file, a girl sat on his desk top with one of her feet on his showing off her legs in the mid length skirt, as well at leaning forward a little trying to show off her cleavage in a tight white shirt. I could not help but roll my eyes at this, "See, told you she's a horny bee." Penny said nudging my side. I have to say I do feel a little angry at this only on her, in Spencer's call he told me what she was like, and that he had already pulled her to one side telling her he did not see her in that way but only as a team mate and a friend.

So to now see her, flaunting herself to him still, made me think I may have to mark my territory as Penny would put it, and I think Penny could see my mind working "Rest her soul" was all I heard her say before I started to walk to Spencer's desk. As I did I passed Morgan "go get him tiger" was all he whispered as I went by.

I stopped so I was right behind her, seeing how she was now rubbing his leg with her foot "you know Sexual harassment is the most common thing to happen in a work based environment" I said out loud making her jump off his desk and look around to me, looking me up and down. I was only in black dress trousers with a light blue dress shirt with a black waistcoat on top and to top it all off I was wearing that same colour canvas shoes as Spencer, Black,

I could see in the corner of my eye Penny and Morgan next to each other pretending to look at something when really they were looking at me and this girl, who has now moved her hand for a hand shake "Hello I am Agent Angel Rogers" was all she said in a happy voice. I just looked at her hand then back to her face "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss," I said out loud making myself sound like Reid which is never a bad thing. "But you're not my type, you see I like the people who take what they have been told and leave it alone." I then added making Spencer smirk, which made Angel look back at him, them to me "Who are you?" she then asked out loud, not sounding so happy now...

I smirked to myself when an Idea came to my mind "I am Supervisory Special Agent Isabella Reid" I said out loud watching her face change, looking from Spencer to me then back to Spencer like he had done something wrong then once again back to me before walking off pulling her skirt down and doing up the button on her top.

I have to say, I do feel rather good with my victory so to say, I then moved myself to where she was sitting on Spencer's desk, having the man himself watch my every move. "I know I normally don't say this, but I found that rather sexy." Spencer said out with one of his smiles, before standing up moving to in front of me, making me have to look up a little at his tall frame "Well I had to mark my territory" I said back to him smiling at him, then out of nowhere he kissed me right on the lips in fount of everyone, yeah they know but we never really let our relationship show in the work place, I could not help but put my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me deepening the kiss more.

After what seemed like forever there was a noise that sounded like someone clearing their throat making us pull apart to see Hotch standing there looking at us with Angel behind him but off to the side a little with a grin on her face, "I believe you have something to say" Hotch said, by the look on Angel's face said she must have gone to Hotch and told him a little story like a 10 year old would do when not getting their way, as much as I hate being a bitch to people, she really was being a pain in the arse.

"Yes we do," Spencer then said moving from me a little but taking my left hand in his, by this time most of our team was around us, "I asked Isabella to marry me, and well she said yes" Spencer said, making JJ run up to me hugging me tight "oh my god I am so happy for you." she said to me, before pulling away to hug Spencer. Everyone then told us how happy they were for us,

In all the hugs and things Angel must have gone away not happy with Hotch not telling us off.

"Ohh then there will be little genius's running about, Oh please tell me I can be their godmother as well?" Penny then asked, nearly jumping up and down. "Well.... I don't think I could pick from you all so I was thinking a God Family, thought it would be much better." I said looking at the faces light up, "Also it's much better to think that now than 9 months done the line." I then said dropping my other bomb shell for them all.

No one said anything for what seemed a long time till I hear Spencer, clearing his throat "You're...." was all he could get out, I looked to him see him a little white, awww poor thing, maybe I should have told him when we were alone "Yes Spencer, I am pregnant" I said out to him, all he could do was look at me, till out of nowhere I was in the air spinning around in Spencer's arms.....

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