Girl Meets New Years (my version)

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Lucas and Maya made their way over to Farkle, Charlie, and Riley.

Something was wrong, Maya thought. The way they were standing and the expressions on their faces. Farkle upright and alert, glancing nervously at both Riley and Charlie. Charlie, angry and tense, eyes boring in on Riley. Maya couldn't see Riley's face but Maya could tell her head was down, shoulders slumped. That was not the Riley she knew.

Something was very wrong.

She and Lucas shared a glance and by unspoken agreement, they started to walk a little faster.

Charlie was the first one to see them approach. His face broke into an angry sneer that looked totally out of place on him. But it was Farkle who stepped toward them and spoke first.

"I did the right thing!"

Maya and Lucas shared another glance, this time confused.


"You shouldn't keep secrets from your friends!" Farkle blurted out awkwardly.

Lucas spoke for the both of them. "Farkle, what are you talking about? What secrets? Aren't we done with secrets already?" Memories of the drama in Texas ran quickly through his mind. He didn't know if he could go through another bout of wondering just what the hell was going on.

"Nope, the fun's just gettin started," Charlie snorted derisively. "Wait till you hear this one, Friar. It's spectacular."

Obviously, it wasn't.

Farkle spared a quick look at Riley, who hadn't moved this whole time.

"Something's going on with Riley."

Maya felt her uneasiness grow, a ball of fear settling in her stomach as she stared at the motionless figure of her best friend from behind.

"She's been keeping this secret because she loves you both and doesn't want to get in the way."

Lucas looked confused. "Get in the way? Of what?"

But Maya understood right away. Her heart sank as she closed her eyes. Oh no, Riley.

It was all she could do to keep her voice steady. "Of us." Maya's response was directed at Lucas but her eyes remained fixed on Riley, who visibly flinched at the sound of Maya's voice. "Riley, look at us." Riley shook her head. A pause. Then a whisper from Maya, bittersweet in tone.

"Ring power."

Riley smiled sadly to herself at the inside joke. She knew she couldn't say no. She had to face her friends. She owed them that much.

It felt like an eternity for Riley as she slowly turned to face them. The boy with emerald eyes, the white knight from the South who had stormed into her life too soon and trampled all over her barely formed heart. She saw realization dawn over his face as he dropped his head, finally understanding the ramifications of what was happening.

Then the girl with eyes as blue as the Pacific. She had never seen that particular body of water, but she thinks of it every once in awhile when she looks into Maya's eyes seeking calm and reassurance. Not tonight though. Those eyes were now clouded with a dozen different emotions all warring inside her.

Riley would find no comfort there.

For one long and awkward moment, the three of them just stood there, forming a triangular tableau.

Balanced on the precipice.

"Okay, i'd love to just stand around and stare lovingly at each other in the freezing cold but let's get on with the anger and recriminations, ok?" Charlie's tone was as bitter as his words. "Go ahead, Riles, tell Lucas how you really feel about him right in front of his new girlfriend. Tell him how you love —-"

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