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I was running late, the bed next to me was empty so Kayleigh didn't bother to wake me up. Fantastic. I ran to class, bursting through the door. A few minutes later, Simon strolled in and slumped down next to JJ a row behind me.

"Late! Detention for both of you now hurry and copy this down." Miss Winters barked. I took out my book and started my work but I couldn't help but listen to the conversation happening behind me.

"Where were you, man?! You were the one who organised this and you left us hanging." JJ hissed.

"Chill, bro. I got held up and anyway,it was a pretty shit nightclub." I heard the casual tone of Simon's voice, the ever so perfect liar. I could almost envision the small side smirk on his face.

"Bro, all the hot chicks were there. Mia, Zoe...Freya-ouch!" I heard a thump and I presumed it was from Josh. A smile crept on to my face as I remembered just how protective Simon got around me, too. I wondered whether I would get on with Freya if we were introduced, she seemed nice.

"Whatever, most of those girls just want a quick fuck and that's it. No personality." Simon replied.

JJ snorted. "You weren't complaining last week with Zoe."

I froze, ears straining to hear the rest of this conversation. What does JJ mean? Simon wouldn't- that was exactly the time I got all mad at him.

I felt sick, my insides were withering around in jealousy and my cheeks were beginning to flare up. Simon didn't reply so this only confirmed what JJ had implied. My emotions were tangling up again and thoughts were buzzing through my head fast.

I wanted to scream, I had no right to be getting all worked up over this but u had let myself think for just a while that he was different. Unlike the boys who mess around with girls and spend time with them without actually holding a conversation.


It seemed an eternity before the bell rang and I jumped up, tripping over my bag. Typical! But then a pair of arms were around me, helping me up and I glanced back to see Tobi. He chuckled at me as I went bright red but looking around, no one had noticed.

"You wanna see a movie or something this weekend? It would be nice to catch up." Tobi asked, smiling his warm smile. I loved Tobi and his caring instincts over me.

I looked around trying to spot Simon in the crowds of people rushing towards the lunch hall. Brunettes, emos, blondes but not my blonde. Oh! I suddenly saw him, remaining graceful and cool even thought there was several people pushing and shoving around him.

He looked over and saw me, glared and turned away. Tobi stepped forward to grab my hand but then suddenly turned and moved swiftly into the crowd. I frowned, confused but then I saw Josh come up beside Simon.

He saw I was accidentally staring at both of them and sniggered. "What do you think you're looking at?"

I bit my lip and turned away, walking slowly back to my dorm.

And he let me leave, just standing there with no expression and I wished with all my heart that he would pull me back, explain and hug me close. But he didn't.

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