File 1 Update: Log 2

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" Are you okay Sythe?" Seer said, " More importantly, how in the world did you forget your tech! It's the most important you own, probably." She groans in frustration when I respond with silence. She drops me onto the abandoned side-street with a frown, and I snap out of my daze. As I lay on the pavement I try to recall why and where I left my tech. I couldn't have left it on accident, I loved it too much. My tech gave me the ability to mutate my genes in different ways depending on how much of Dr. Nayak's formula was left inside it. My whole tech revolved around this formula, without it my tech was pretty much a metal plated backpack. Using the formula the tech it changes my bone structure giving me a set of wings, extremely sharp teeth, and extra long claws protruding from each of my fingers. So imagine a werewolf but a weredragon, and you have a pretty good idea of what my tech does.

" Now that I think about it, I probably left my tech with Dr. Nayak." I whispered to no one in particular. This led to a pale hand pulling me of the ground, Seer again, and shoving me in the direction of Doctor Nayaks lab. With that me and Seer started our long walk back to the lab. As we walked I thought about how this little "fight" would be broadcasted by the king tomorrow, and how stupid I would look in it. They wouldn't include sound of course that would tell the masses that I didn't have tech at the time, and it would tell them I'm on friendly term with the enemy which isn't aloud. The king would probably replace the audio with some type of climactic music. Then they would use dramatic shots of the chase and the capture followed by some triumphant music, throw in a few shots of us talking for suspense, then do a dramatic shot of us falling followed by her floating away and a pan shot to where Seer painted her eye. That's probably where they would end it. It's a strategically sound ending, While it blames Elisabeth's defeat on the bad guy, it also throws in a element of mystery leaving the masses craving for more.

It was a long walk back, mostly filled with Seer's complaints about childish I had been to leave my gear alone, and my comments on how it wasn't really alone if it was in the labs. But no matter how long the walk was, we made it back, and I took in the the view. The large stainless steel exterior, and the sliding glass doors of Prismtech Labs. As the doors slid open, I closed my eyes, breathed out a sigh of relief, and breathed in a healthy dose of smoke. An expiriment must have gone wrong in Dr. Nayak's lab, I would say it had to do with my tech due to the toxic smell the smog contained. Myotic, that's Seer's real name or so she says, started coughing up a storm next to me as I stayed immune to the smell. Since I used the fluid she was concocting in my tech, I was already use to the smell and could cope with the huge amount gathering in the air, but Myotic sure couldn't. Someone stuck their head out of the smoke filled room spitting out apologies, even though they were covered in soot from the long braid and lab coat you could assume it was Doctor Alterri Nayak or Dr. Nayak either one works. She was pleasant, polite, and short, but she had limb enhancers to fix that problem. She was the one who manufactured all of our tech from Crimson to Phantom and was also the one who taught us how to use it.

She floated towards me in her hovering enhancers and sighed, " I'm sorry it taking me so long to refill your gear, someone was distracting me.' She rolled her eyes and pointed back at the smoking room. At this point Expiriment 47 walzed out and with a carefree smirk; waved a regenerating hand at me. Expiriment 47 was created by Dr. Nayak to assist Dr. Nayak, you could call her human but you'd be wrong, she's more like a superhuman with the power of in-human regeneration speed. She was usually Dr. Nayak's test subject for up and coming gear upgrades or new gear all together. Dr. Nayak insisted that my tech would be fixed in no time, but from the black smoke billowing from the doctor's test lab and Expiriment 47's need to regenerate ; I had this strange feeling I was going to be techless for a long time.

" Crim! Can you clear this please? I don't think this will clear on its own anytime soon." Dr. Nayak yelled down the main hall. In the distance a shadow appeared, it seemed to glide on a non existent breeze for no footsteps were heard. As the shadow came closer, it became more apparent that it wasn't a shadow but a person. She also clearly wasn't floating, She was just the only one here with a light footfall. Her movements flowed like a stream, her hair was a wave of white silk, and her smile was anything but condescending. From the way she acted, it was hard to believe she was a cold blooded killer. It wasn't as hard to believe when you see her in action, but surrounded by her friends she was a completely different person. I always believed that the side of her I got to see was her real self, that this was the real Crimson Mist.

As Crimson started filtering through the compound in the air, the sound of air being cut and the crackle of electricity echoed off the white walls of the lab. These sounds indicated that the third sister would be joining us in a second, literally. I blinked and she was there, a dirty blond streak surrounded Crim spouting about how she had been gone for too long and why had she left in the first place. After my burning retinas adjusted to the bright light, the streak formed a more human shaped streak. Which turned its streak head towards Myotic, it shrieked in delight. In full force, the streak ran at Myotic and tackled her onto the tile floor. Due to light being able to finally catch her full shape, the dirty blond human shaped streak turned into a dirty blond teenage girl. As the girl sat up, Myotic groaned in pain. To the girl this was a sign that she could now ask her in detail about what perils she had just faced, and why she faced them by herself. I had been so focused on the teenager that I didn't even notice the air had been cleared. I also hadn't noticed Crimson come up behind the girl at all until she had lifted her up by the arms and placed her off of Myotic and onto the floor.

" Bolt one of these days you're going to give one of us a concussion or worse." Crimson said a smile in her voice. Bolt sighed and mumbled a feeble sorry before bouncing back up to her feet. " Hey Crim, I'll meet you back in the simulation room okay?" Bolt said looking right into Crimson's mismatched eyes. Crim smiled and playfully sighed, " Fine, but don't start without me." Bolt turned to the end of the hall, and looked over her shoulder at Crim. " Don't worry, I won't start without you." She stated, and in a flash she was gone. Crimson turned to face Doctor Nayak. " I don't want to keep Bolt waiting she's terrible at that." She said with a smirk, " Alterri, do you think the air is stable enough now?" The doctor gave a curt nod yes and off Crimson went. The hall was silent now as we soaked in the conversations that the last few minutes had held. The silence was broken by a persistent beep coming from my wrist. My watch was telling me it was time to go home to my regular life with my regular family in Sector 7A. " Hey guys, I think it's time for me to go." I said glancing at my holo watch. The doctor smiled in understanding and burdened me with the words, " Be safe out there Syther, they're getting smarter by the day. Ok?" As I reached for my watches telo home button, I looked her in the eye and nodded. " 'Kay." I said, as the world around me disappeared and I reappeared in Sector 7A.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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