Untitled Part 2

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Alyssa's POV

Strawberries, Blueberries, Cream Cheese, Broccoli, Milk, Sugar, Hot Sauce, Whip Cream. Luke's faces showed pure disgust as I put all of the ingredients in the blender after dinner.  Once it was blended I pored every bit into a cup for Luke then sliding it towards him, " Do I really have to " Luke asked looking at the shake, smiling I nodded " Yep I won so." Luke took a deep breath before lifting the cup to his lips and, drinking it as fast as he could obviously trying to get it over with, when he finished he gagged while I laughed at him. " That Looked so gross " A Deep Australian voice said behind me making Luke's head whip up " Oh Hey guys what's up " Luke Said. I looked at Luke confused for a moment before looking to the three very handsome boys standing a little closer now. " Oh Guys this is Alyssa My Step sister, well adopted sister " Luke Said Smiling at me, I smiled back " Hey Nice to meet you guys ", " Hey Babe I'm Michael "  a tall handsome boy with Bright Red haired guy said. " Hi Love I'm Calum " I waved " Nice To Meet You "

" Hello, I'm Ashton "  Right when I heard that voice my head whipped to him and, my stomach got butterflies. I blushed " Hi It's Nice To meet you, oh you to Michael "  I blushed again putting a big smile on my face.

Luke's POV 

I looked at the two of them smirking, " Well guys I have extra swim trunks upstairs why don't we all go swimming? Alyssa your welcome to come to if you want to "  I smiled at her as she nodded then turned around walking up to her room, I waited until I heard her bedroom door shut then I tuned to Ashton " Does someone have a little crush "  I smirked. " NO LUKE THAT'S CRAZY "  I laughed as he turned and, walked upstairs most likely going up to my room to get swim trunks, I just shook my head still laughing at him as I walked up the stairs following after him, Calum and, Micheal then followed me up the stairs. We got changed then went to the bathroom grabbing towels once we where all in the swim trunks then walked down the stairs then walked outside sitting the towels on the lawn chairs well we each put one down out of the ten we have. We all looked at each other then ran to the pool jumping in we laughed and, swam for a little bit, Alyssa came outside making us turn out heads she was wearing White Sunglasses, A LONG sleeve Batman shirt with basketball shorts and, she was holding a Batman towel, I'm starting to think I'm guessing she likes Batman. She laid down her towel and, sat down grabbing her phone.  " Alyssa " I hollered " Yes Luke?? " She Questioned,  " Are you coming in?? " " Nope Luke I'm good here it's ok ", I looked to the boys as the shrugged their shoulders. I hoped out walked over to her and, sitting in the chair next to hers " Alyssa are you ok " I asked " Yeah Yeah No Worries " She Sighed. " Well if your sure can you please come swim with us?? " " I guess Luke " , " Alyssa are you gonna wear your swim suit?? " I asked as she walked to the pool " I am underneath duh Luke " , " Why don't you swim in it?? " " Because I'm not Luke Ok Just Chill Please " She jumped in the pool swimming back to the surface mind you still in long sleeves and, basketball shorts. We Swam For About An Hour Before Alyssa's phone started ringing blaring Kick Me By Sleeping With Sirens she jumped out of the pool fast almost slipping twice as she sprinted to the phone yelling " FUCK FUCK FUCK IM SO DEAD " she dried her hands picking up her phone " Hello. uh yes I'm so sorry I'm late Ill be there REALLY SOON IM SO SO SORRY "    

Alyssa's POV

I was suppose to be as the boxing rink by 4:30 it is 5:00 now shit I'm so late, I ran inside and, up the stairs not even telling the boys what I was doing. I got dresses in a Black Batman Sports Bra throwing on a Nike tank top that says WorkOut I put on my black medium length soprts shorts and, my Batman Nike shoes in a hurry. I threw my hair up in a bun again since the other one was falling out, I grabbed my Nike Backpack that already was packed for today, Boxing Gloves, Headgear, Water also, the Wrap for my Knuckles I ran downstairs grabbing a napkin and, a pen fro the Kitchen Counter writing my number. " Luke! OK SO I HAVE TO GO HERE IS MY NUMBER IM SORRY "  I ran out of the house in a hurry because these workouts are important, I'm gonna start to actually fight the upper class coming up soon so I really need to take this stuff serious. Once I Got There I was already taking off my shoes, and started wrapping up my hands as fast as I could. 

" Hey sorry I'm here I kind of forgot about boxing it has been a very eventful day " I said

It okay Elle already told me you got adopted congratulations girly " Said my trainer Chris

Chris is like my older brother he is 24 he has always been there for me when no one else was, he taught be box when I was about 12 cause the girls at the orphanage would bully me. I am now one of the most strongest fighters for my age division, Chris is moving me up to the 18 - 20 age group cause I'm only a few months away from being 18 well actually 8 months, or so.

" Well Chris what are we doing today " 

" We are gonna do weights today so no need for your wrap you can borrowing my lifting gloves though "

I smiled thinking him then unwrapped my hands, and putting on Chris's lifting gloves. We did mostly squats, and bench press today man am I sore.

Luke's POV

I'm kind of worried about Alyssa I don't know where she ran off to all she did was give me her number which I gave to the boys so they could have it to I don't know if she wanted me to, or not. After three hours Alyssa came home mumbling a Hi, then walked up stairs but, then I heard a shower running so I just left her alone. I'm glad she came home when she did cause two minutes later Mom came in telling us to get the groceries, and bring them in. Once the groceries where inside, put away, and dinner was cooked Alyssa walked into the kitchen offering to help serve the dinner which my Mom kindly accepted the offer. The dinner was chicken, salad, and mashed potatoes the boys, and I plates where filled with food even my Mom's was but, Alyssa's was just salad no dressing just plain salad we all noticed but, thought it would be rude to bring up so we just left it alone. We all finish saying our goodnights then heading up to bed.

Sorry kinda short compared to the other first chapter but, I just had writers block I will try to make the other chapters longer again I'm sorry Love Ya guys!! Love Ya for the reads to!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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