Just One Letter (c.s)

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Elizabeths POV

"Dare" I say. Confused? Ok let me explain. My name is Elizabeth. It is my 14th Birthday and I am playing truth or dare with my friends. "Ok I dare you to write a longish letter to one direction" Erin aka my bff says. Ughh I hate her. Well not really but she knows I would never in my wildest dreams write a letter to a celebrity."FINEEEEEEE" I say. She hands me a piece of paper and a pen. I start writing .

Dearest One Direction

Okay, first of all I am only writing this letter because it is my birthday and I was dared to write this. My friends couldn't think of any thing better the losers. But anyway as I have no intention of writing about Harrys 'beautiful' (note the sarcasm) curls (not that they aren't nice), I will just write about me I guess. Okay so my name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzy. I was born and raised in west-Cork in Ireland. THATS RIGHT SUCKERS IRELAND. My accent is cooler than your English ones. Well not Nialls cause he has an Irish accent to. HIGH FIVE across the sea. Ok sorry I am a little hyper. I have had so much sugar. But anyway I live with my parents in a very big house. My parents are both doctors so they work most of the time so I don't see them often. I am an only child too but I don't get lonely cause I have my LOU. Lou is my dog. Her real name is Louise but I like to call her Lou cause it's shorter. Ok what else about me. I like to sing and listen to music. I listen to your music a lot. I mean I am a Directioner. I love to read. I have had my career chosen since I was 8. I want to be a teacher and go to the Mary-Eye collage in Limerick. Its strange, I have never wanted to be anything but a teacher since I was 8. Ok as my page is nearly full my friends say hi and 'WE LOVE YOU' and more but I think I would poison your minds if I told you ;). But they also say that my home address is on the envelope so you can write back. AS IF well im done writing so see ya losers. Bye

Lizzy xxx

"Im done" I say. "Ok Liz" Erin says taking the letter and putting it in a Green envelope? "The post office is just down the road, so you can walk down there to post it." I nod. " Guys do not make a mess of my house" I shout as I was walking out the door. "Of course" Erin shouts. I walk the short walk to the post office.

I really don't want to post it. What if they ACTUALLY read it!!!??? I walk towards the letterbox. I hesitate before I drop the letter in. Well its to late now. Time to go home. Those girls better not have destroyed my house.


HELLO READERS ok this story was just an idea that popped into my head one day. So let me know if you like it by




- A xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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