Chapter 4

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I went to school a week later I walked in with Arianna and people were staring and whispering. At lunch we had more people starring at us than before Arianna got fed up with and went off

Darien's pov.
I tried to hold Arianna back but I couldn't there was no stopping her

An hour later I figured out that Arianna was gonna be in a.e.p and so was Darien I new why Arianna was but wasn't sure about Darien in 7th period someone told me he cussed out the principle just so he could be in there with Arianna I was lonely without Arianna and I was getting fed up with the rumor mill but I didn't want to get into trouble while I was heading to my car jay stopped me and asked if we could hang out this weekend and he was gonna take me to a party i said yes because we were just hanging out as friends and I didn't think austin would get mad

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