Chapter 8

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Why was I doing this to myself? More importantly why was i doing this to Vic? I felt so guilty that I was doing this too him. At the moment I was laying in the bed staring up at the ceiling. It had been two months since the tour ended and me and vic moved in together in San Diego. The house was out of town, a cute little one story victorian style house, big enough for the two of us and all of our stuff. The bed was cold around me and the house was so silent i could hear my own heartbeat. Vic had gone out to go grocery shopping for us and i stayed home to take care of some buisness. 

My phone rang out in the quiet bedroom, the clock on the bedside table said 4:00. 'right on time' I thought to myself. I slid my finger to answer, "Hey." I said coldly. 

A voice came through the speaker back at me. "Kellin baby. I've missed you. We need to get together soon and get..Reaquainted."

"Be here soon. We have an hour at the most." I hung up the phone.

I hated myself. But at the same time I couldnt help it. I needed this person just as much as i needed Vic. He just can't find out. It'll ruin him. It'll ruin me. This situation was so bittersweet. I get both the people I love, But im hurting Vic in the process. That boy has my heart doing flips just by looking at him. I get butterflies everytime he smiles or kisses me. He is everything I ever wanted, but I'm ruining it. But I can love two people at once. Maybe the second is just lust. Hell I dont even know what those feelings are anymore. 

Sure enough ten minutes later I heard a knock at the door. They werent stupid enough to park in the driveway thank god. I walked up to the door and opened it, just to have lips smash into mine before I could utter a word. This was what i needed. Contact. Passion. Sex with someone other than Vic. I love Vic and  he is like a sex god, but having sex with someone else mixes it up alittle. Selfish of me i know. Clothes were trailing from the front door to the bedroom, our hands groping and exploring each other as we walked our way to the bed. We fell down on the bed with a light bounce and continued our exploration. Bodies were moving, breathing was becoming heavy, and all kinds of sounds escaped our lips. 

----an hour and a half later----


I opened the door and placed my keys in the little blue glass bowl on the stand. I ran late coming home as it is and sent kellin a text saying I would be home later becuase i drove across town to talk to a guy about buying a guitar. He was a chatterbox and wouldnt stop talking about everything under the moon until i told him i had to get home. I walked to the kitchen and set the grocery bags on the counters. 'Hmmm, that's weird. usually kellin is watching tv or atleast yells a hey or something at me when I come home. Maybe he didn't hear me come in.' I thought to myself. I pushed my grey beanie down and shrugged off my dark blue jacket, placing it on the back of one of the bar chairs. Maybe he is asleep or in the bedroom. I guess there is no harm in looking. 

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