Chapter 14: Can I have coffee with that?

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A/N: Oh my god 2016. It's been a year since I've started HLT and I know it could've been finished sooner if I updated more frequently but I had the craziest year and this book is FINALLY coming to end *sniff sniff* I always get emotional at the end of a book. My babies J and J are coming to end oh -someone give me a damn tissue. It's just this and epilogue to come. 

I love every single little soul who reads my stuff and I hope that this year brings my future of writing to a whole new level. 

Anyways, enjoy this tear jerking chapter and don't be too sad it's ending I've already started on another story! xx

Chapter 14: Can I have coffee with that?

My stomach churned at the scent of coffee that filled through my nose as I was firing up the machine, I frowned and continued making the drinks. My reaction to the heavenly liquid was weird but I blamed it on the Chinese food we had last night. It mustn't have sat well with me. Jason and Ariel had completely different to me, they had noodles while I had the rice.

I put the two drinks in front of the elderly lady and the little girl who appeared to be her granddaughter. They both smiled at me and I took out my notepad, ready to take their orders.

"What can I get you two lovely ladies to eat today?"

"Nothing for me sweetheart, just for my granddaughter." The older woman shook her head indicating that she didn't want anything else, and glanced at the little girl who I noticed was staring at me with wide eyes.

I turned my head and gave her a small smile swallowing the nausea, "And what can I get for you, honey?"

She was tiny and looked as innocent as a pea. No older than 3, she reminded me a lot of when Ariel was that age. I had the urge to wrap her up in my arms and give her the biggest hug.

Her green eyes blinked and she whispered in cute voice, "Pancakes pwease."

"Done. Pancakes coming up for one pretty little girl." I grinned at the little blush that rose on her cheeks. They're so adorable at that age.

The rest of the day flew by and I tried to avoid serving coffee as much as I could but it seemed coffee wasn't my only problem today. Every little smell in this entire diner was setting me off. I almost threw up three times. Jamie noticed this and insisted I took the rest of the day off but I convinced him I was fine.

It was just after 12 and I knew that Jason would be coming in soon for lunch. He texted me saying that he was on his way. I wasn't sure why he was coming in but he mentioned something about moving his business meeting here for lunch. I tried to distract my nauseas stomach with the excitement of seeing Jase but it was proving difficult when a storm of customers flew threw the door.

Two gentlemen in suits came in and of course they ordered coffee. I really didn't want to make the coffees or serve them but we were short staffed today and the diner was bristling with customers. I swallowed the nauseas feeling in my stomach and plastered a smile on my face.

"Here you go, one extra strong latte," I placed the mug down in front of one of the suits. He had strawberry blonde hair while the other had dark brown. "And a double caramel cappuccino for you Sir." I smiled at the man who flashed me a friendly grin. There was something strikingly familiar about him. Something about his eyes told me that I knew he from somewhere but I didn't bother sharing my thoughts and carried on with the next customer.

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