The Beginning

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(Y/N) wandered around her room waiting for something to happen.She didn't know what ,but she felt something weird was going to happen,something magical.

(Y/N) P.O.V
"I can't seem to get rid of this weird feeling",I said to myself. I'll checked my room just to be sure.

"Guess i'm going crazy",I sighed.I looked in the mirror i studied my face.I took my glasses off and stared at my dull brown eyes and short black hair. I laid in bed and snuggled with my warm blankets. I Instantly I fell asleep.

"Huh where am I",I said. I was floating in purple abyss.

"Do you wish for power", said an ominous voice.

"What",I said as i frantically looked for the voice.

"Or do you wish for a new life",It said

"Who are you and why are you asking me these questions",I screamed.

"Oh feisty are we now.I thought you would accept in heartbeat", it said,"seeing as you were born into such a boring world".

"So you're offering me a new life", I asked.

"At least you're quick to catch on",It sighed,"yes i'm offering you a new life in a new world"

"Why",I said.

"Don't you wish for a second chance with unlimited power," it said.I thought about his offer this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mean i didn't have a exciting life.

"I-I'll do it", I said warily.

"Alright", it said happily.A person appeared in front of me. It was a tall man with blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Are you sure", the man said.

"I'm positive",i said firmly.

"If their any problems come find me",he said.

"How",i Questioned. He tossed a silver ring at me.

"Use this"he said.He turned around and took three steps and turned to face me.

"Well see you later",He said playfully.He snapped a finger and a sudden flash of white light.

"Wait what's your name?",i question.

"Sho",he said.

"Whoa where am I"I said. I looked around.I was in a town square.I stood up to grab my bearings. Tall buildings surrounded the area.They were pale yellow,light green,pastel blue,and a light pink.Outside the building vendors were selling various strange items.People oohed and aahed at the vendors as they showed off their goods. In the center of the square a park with a large cherry blossom.It's pink blossoms danced in the wind. At the base of the tree small children played with each other.

Overhead strange birds whizzed past my head.White fluffy clouds slowly inched passed. A bright red kite flew brilliantly in the sky . The people had strange hair colors.They were people with pink, blue,even green hair.

I walked over to one of the vendors.

"umm.. excuse me can you tell me where i am"I asked.

The man turned around,"Sure miss you're in Magnolia".

"What!?!,"I looked around franticaly.

"Sir are you sure!?!?"I yelled.

"I'm as sure that the sky is blue",the man said.

I sighed

"Thanks",I said

I walked away from the vendor and slumped against a near by tree.I glanced at the ring.Sho said to use this to find him.

I raised my hand in the air and studied the rind. I felt a weird presence from the ring. I touched the ring and bright white light flashed. The silver ring was now black.

"Hey long time no see",Someone said

I looked in front of me "Sho!?",i yelled.

This is the first chapter of Magical Encounters hope you enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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