well SH*T

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Oh f*ck oh f*ck oh f*ck

I just realized something I have done something terrible like when you realize you are going on a 6 month trip but don't emotional know your going until the last week before you leave. The only difference is I am not going to somewhere on earth I am going to Orion's belt, Forever! I was never going to see my family or my 3 younger daughters and I definitely can't back out.

Why all of this you ask Lets back up to 7 months ago, The final company had stopped drilling for ore's this is because there were none left to be mined. The gravitational field was so low from the mining that I was losing weight from eating potato chips. I woke up that morning it was the 17th of November 2132. I walked to work and everyday I marveled at the sky scrapers they were shaped like upside down tear drops so that the rest of the buildings would fit. The population report in the newspaper that morning showed the world population to be 19 billion people that day but that number was about to drop. Deaths were very common as people who jumped to high would often get jammed in the wind turbines rotor blades. Except today was different My wife worked in the office beside mine. We both worked for info Corp. It was an odd company they were pretty much the world government. Me and my wife worked as chemists. We made a routine batch of medicine for the labs frog the only thing is we mixed the wrong chemicals and a burst of gamma rays came out. ripping the atmosphere above us to bits. And my wife floated up and into outer space. That same day NASA announced a mission to Orion's belt. To collect a piece of the dying star and return it to the center of the earth. This would restore earths gravity to how it was one hundred years ago when people who weighed 210 Mass Pounds instead of normal scale pounds. The scale pound is the number you see when you step onto a weight sensor from 100 years ago. But now we use Mass Pounds which were adopted 50 years ago to  stop confusion of weight. A mass pound was your calculated weight if you were to exist on the day the first man stepped foot out of water.  I was grief stricken, I didn't want this to happen to anyone else, so I accepted the contract a crew of eight people including me were to get in a ship go to the dying star explode the star in such a way that within 7 months a chunk will collide into a large solid slab of steal orbiting the earth. The explosion will kill everyone on board the ship by throwing them towards mars at 30 G's. It is scary but it must be done to stop anyone else from dying from our low gravity. I must go on this mission I kept telling myself, But I couldn't how could I will my children all they would have while I was out there is our uncle in a plastic bubble underwater with only enough food to last a week. I CANNOT let that Happen I cannot let them Die.

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