Will My Baby Survive?

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Christ medical in mm

How trey's car hit in the mm

Trey p.o.v.

I was in this place and it was a light at the end of the this place. I was walking towards it then I heard Tamyra's sweet voice "Trey I need you I decided to keep the baby but you can't die I love you so much please come back to me." I thought I hurt her enough she could raise my child without me fucking up anymore.

Then I heard my mom and dad voice wtf they not dead. I turned around and there they stood "Hey baby boy it's mommy we died about 6 months ago in a car crash but we in heaven now and we need you to go back to that girl" "Mom I thought you were alive how what when man I can chill here with yall" "Son you need to go back to that girl you love her and you going to college where proud of you" "You know what naw fuck yall u left me just sending some damn money" "Son it was because your mom had cancer and we didn't want you involved in all of that" "But how yall die in a car crash 6 months ago" "The day I was suppose to bring her home we were driving on the road and your mother started weezing and I lost control trying to help her and we crash into a wall, We left all our money in a bank account for you baby boy" "Damn that's crazy but karma crazy if y'all wouldn't treated like y'all treated me as a kid y'all wouldn't have died" I started crying I couldn't handle all this I had to go back to my girl we was going to solve this and have this baby.

"You know what even through everything Mom, Dad I still lowkey love you but I have to go back to my girl but I will see you when it's really my time" "Alright bye son and be good to that girl and love that girl and take care of your baby boy" "It's a boy pops" as I teared up "Yes son and raise that young man to be fine"

As I started to leave I heard a young girl's voice "Da-da go mom" I turned around cuz i don't have no damn kids wtf "Who are you baby girl" "Mom bort me" I tried to understand when I looked closely she looked about one years old when I had sex with Tamyra our first time did the condom bust "How old are you" "1" Did Tamyra find out she was pregnant and abort the baby "Did mommy abort you" "Yea she cry night" So that's why Tamyra locks the bathroom door at night to take them long ass showers when she's actually crying "So you want me to go back to mommy" "Yea she need yo" "Alright i'm going back love you baby girl" "love you to da-da" then I walked back out

Tamyra p.o.v.

The doctor had told me what room he was in and his condition. My baby was in a damn coma they didn't know if he would come out. They gave him so food fluid to keep him alive. I walked to his bed side and pulled up a chair I grabbed his hand tight I sat that and cried so hard "Trey where do I start I know we been through a lot and when I found out you cheated I was heart broken. I thought about aborting the baby not letting you see it and all but I need you so bad. I need you to make it out and be healthy our baby will need you in its life. We need you to be hear remember about 10 months ago when I left that say and told you I was going to the spa and chilling the whole day well I went to get an abortion, I didn't know if you wanted a kid our relationship was just starting and I didn't want to make it seem like I tying you down. But I love you through anything and I need you push through this ordeal and make it to me baby please wake up."

"I ain't going no were girl" "TREY OMG U WOKE UP AHHH, DOCTOR COME HERE" "damn girl stop yelling" I start kissing all over his face. The doctor walked in and checked all his vitals "well isn't a miracle we didn't think you would make it but you are healthy". Then the t.v started playing oui by Jeremih I looked deep into Trey's eyes "I love you baby daddy" then I started laughing. The doctor chuckled and walked out " girl stop playing with me before I show you this dick" "baby sing to me please" "ok baby"

"If we tried that we could be

Somewhere the climate is warm, long as you around me
I swear that everything will be just fine
I wish that we could take some tim
Go anywhere, baby I don't mind
Grown m
an, in my suit and tie
Hey, there's no we without you and I

Oh, yea, ah yea, ah ah yea
Hey, there's no we without you and I
Oh yea, ah yea, ah ah yea
Hey, there's no we without you and I

See my baby know, where my baby go, I go
It's no better feeling, you know when I'm next to her for sure
It's like,
Oh how can they hate? Get this off my chest
Oh girl, I think I love you, I swear your shit look best
Friends, they know they hate, they don't get the best
Ah yea, I think I love you, oh baby maybe

If we tried that we could be
Somewhere the climate is warm, long as you around me
I swear that everything will be just fine
I wish that we could take some time
Go anywhere, baby I don't mind
Grown man, in my suit and tie
Hey, there's no we without you and I
Oh, yea, ah yea, ah ah yea

Hey, there's no we without you and I
Oh yea, ah yea, ah ah yea
Hey, there's no we without you and I

Oohh, da du du du du
Oohh, da du du du du
Oohh, da du du du du
Oohh, da du du du du

If we tried that we could be
Somewhere the climate is warm, long as you around me
I swear that everything will be just fine
I wish that we could take some time
Go anywhere, baby I don't mind
Grown man, in my suit and tie
Hey, there's no we without you and I
Oh, yea, ah yea, ah ah yea
Hey, there's no we without you and I
Oh yea, ah yea, ah ah yea
Hey, there's no we without you and I

I love you girl" then he gave me the most passionate kiss ever and told me to get on the bed "so you know I ain't had no sex in 48 hours you gone please big daddy" my hormones were low-key making me horny after he sung
I ripped open his night gown being only 6 weeks I was a little bigger than usually and my hormones like I said was making me horny asl "I can do anything you want" he penis was just sitting there all out and erected. I took off my skirt and slide down on his dick "ah shit Tamyra damn" I started bouncing hard "Trey baby I love you" "Tamyra girl yo shit tight and a1" then the door opened and Micka walked in shit fuck her I keep bouncing on his dick "Trey wtf is wrong with you you over here fucking this hoe and you got a baby on the way" "man fuck you and get out my hospital room b" she started crying "you said you loved" for some odd reason I cummed and he nutted in me I hoped up "YOU TOLD HER YOU FUCKING LOVED HER" "Tamyra calm down she fucking lying" "I love you tho trey what do you see in this hoe" when she said that shit I start beating her ass punch after punch straight to her damn face "get off me bitch" the security came in and escorted her out the room.

Then I felt this pain shoot through my stomach "Ahhh somebody help me trey help" he started pressing the nurses over and over "please let my baby be ok" he screamed. The doctor came in and led me out the room and put me on a stretcher I really hope my baby is ok

Is the baby ok
Will Trey fully recover
What is Micka gonna do

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