~~Chapter 7~~

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Sorry it's been forever. I haven't really paid attention to this account soo sorry again. Let's get on with it shall we?

I stepped out of the hot shower in the hotel. It was oddly quiet in the room so I quickly pulled on a Skate or Die t-shirt and some shorts and stepped out of the bathroom. Everyone was sitting on the floor whispering and turned around right when I walked in.

"What!" I asked/yelled. Why on earth was everyone staring at me. "Soooooo? What are we talking about?" I asked. They all shared knowing glances. Why on earth would they do this in front of me? I was always the one sharing the knowing glances not really being out of the loop. "We were planning to leave to go somewhere they couldn't find us but..." Blake trailed off. "But?" I prompted. Jack snickered. "You said butt." He said and then burst into laughter. I rolled my eyes at him. He was sooo immature. "But..we have no money. And we didn't want to steal while we were still here because that shows we were in this hotel." Jessica finished. "Then why don't we just pickpocket?" I suggested. "It's simple and easy and a load of people pickpocket so it would be almost impossible to point it to us!" I clapped my hands like I had just discovered the...the... wheel! What? I have no idea what people discover. "You...are...a...GENIUS!!!" Blake ran over to me and jumped on me. "AHHHH!! Blake, you are crushing my ribs!" I yelled. It literally felt like a thousand elephants were doing a jig on my stomach. "You fat boi!" I yelled. He placed a hand over his heart like he was hurt. "I'm so hurt, Karmen. How could you do this to me!" He said dramatically. All of a sudden, Jessica started laughing. "What?" Blake and I said in unison. "You two are so cute!" She said. I felt my cheeks heat up. We are not cute! We are just friends! Oh my goodness gracionious. 

A few minutes later we were in the crowded outdoor mall. "Let's split up. Remember, take what you need, be quick, and don't get caught." Blake said. I rolled my eyes. We had heard this speech every single time we went to steal something wether big or small. We quickly dispersed acting like normal teenagers at the mall. I saw a woman with a huge ring on her finger. I bumped into her making her drop her stuff. "Oh! I am sooo sorry. Here let me help you." I said, bending down to "help" her pick up her stuff. I discreetly slipped the ring off her finger without her knowing. Never spend to much time at the scene of the crime. Blake's voice echoed in my head. "Well, have a nice day!" I said before rushing off in the opposite direction. By the end of the day I had collected 5 wallets, 22 rings and bracelets, 3 necklaces, and a plethora or watches. We all met up by the fountain in the middle of the mall. "So how much did you guys get?" Jack asked. We all dug in our pockets and brought out our stuff. "Woah. This is enough to get us where we need to go." Blake said. "And that is where?" I asked curiously. "France." He said simply before continuing. "I will go to the Gold and Silver exchange on the corner. Karmen, you go to the one in the mall. Jack, you go to the one down the street. And Jessica, you go with Karmen to the one here. We will meet back here at the fountains at...around 5." Blake said and we all bolted off to our assigned places.

Soon enough we were back in the hotel room counting money. "Dang it! We need $1,652 more money!" Blake facepalmed and fell backwards on the bed. I fell and joined him. Suddenly it hit me. "I could...hack into the airports mainframe and add us into their database so when we walk in they will know it's just us so they won't arrest us and we could use the money for better things." I rushed out. They just stared at me. "I need to hack-" More blank stares. I sighed. "Me tap buttons. We go in plane place and we not go to jail. We not pay." I said. "Ohhhhhhh!" They all chorused. I facepalmed and fell back on the bed. "So it's settled! We will leave tomorrow!" Blake exclaimed and we all snuggled in our beds to sleep. Suddenly, though, I felt an arm move over my body and pull me to a rock hard chest. I immediately stiffened. The hand combed through my long, blonde, hair. "Don't worry. I will protect you. Don't cry Karmen." The person mumbled. I realized that the arm that was over me was Blake's. And he was fast asleep and he was dreaming, about me? "Goodnight Tiger." I said before pushing back is sandy blonde hair and giving him a kiss on the forehead. I could've sworn I saw him smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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