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I spun my silver bracelet around my wrist for the millionth time. Those same words I hear practically every few months unfazed me. I knew I was leaving soon. I've became good at reading people.

"I'll just leave you to get your things. I'll be in the car."

Grant has been my social worker since I was ten. He was probably the only friend I have kept my whole life. Going to different schools tends to make a person lose touch with their friends.

I grabbed my backpack and duffel bag and did one more look around the room before swiftly walking out.

"Bye sexy." I rolled my eyes as I passed by Will, the disgusting twenty year old who practically shoved his hand down my pants as soon as I got here.

Karen, the mother of Will and my foster parent was waiting at the front door. She gave me a hug and I stood there awkwardly. She "couldn't afford" me apparently. Even though she gets paid for having me. Ha. What can I say? I'm just a burden I guess.

Usually I don't stay with the same family for more than a few months. I have learned in my 17 years in foster care to not get attached. They have never loved me enough to adopt me so I guess it doesn't matter anyway. I am staying with one more family and then in six months when I turn 18, I'm free.

I got into Grant's car and we drove for thirty minutes before stopping at a big ivory house. I've definitely never lived in a house this big. It could be called a mansion.

"My friend Anne lives here. I really trust her and I wanted to know you were 100% safe for your remaining time here."

"Nice of you to finally consider that after 17 years." I muttered.

"I have done the best I can. I told you I was sorry."

I've gone into three abusive homes on his watch. Sorry really isn't going to help anything.

I got out of the car and stared up at the house. Something at the top story window caught my eye.

I turned towards Grant as I realized it was a teenage boy,"You didn't tell me she had kids."

"She has twin sons. But don't worry they are very well behaved."

I sighed and followed him to the front door. He knocked a few times before the door swung open, revealing a pretty dark-haired woman that appeared to be in her early forties.

"Elizabeth! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She hugged me and I faintly smiled as she ushered me in.

Grant said his goodbyes to Anne and I and left.

"I'm so sorry, I'm not sure where my sons' manners are. I told them to come down here and introduce themselves! I guess you can see them when I give you a tour of the house."

I followed her around as she showed me the rooms downstairs until we finally went up the huge winding stairway. We approached a hallway and stopped in front of the first room.

"This is Caleb's room." She knocked a few times then walked in.

The same boy I saw from the window was laying on his bed listening to music. Once he saw us he jumped up and yanked his earbuds out.

"I told you and your brother to come downstairs. This is Elizabeth."

"It's Beth actually."

"Nice to meet you." He grinned and I forced a smile back. It's not that he wasn't attractive. In fact, he was. He had short curly hair and a gorgeous face altogether. But I'm not one to trust easily. My plan is to basically stay in my room for six months. Ha...

"Harry left. I guess you'll just have to meet him later."

"That boy! He's never here! I'm sorry for my son's behavior."

I shrugged and she said,"Well I'll show you your room."

She brought me to the end of the hallway. "This is it. I hope you like it."

"Thank you." She still stood in the doorway and I sensed she had more to say.

"I don't want to offend you Beth, but I don't know what type of girl you are. So I need to set some ground rules. And if you want to stay here for the remaining time you are in the foster care system, you have to respect them."

I slowly nodded. She went on,"As you know, I have two teenage boys. That means no short shorts, no short skirts, just nothing short period. If you want to swim in the pool, you have to wear a shirt over your bikini. With all of this being said, you will not have a relationship with my sons other than a typical friendship. Do you understand?"

This isn't very difficult to agree to. I don't want a relationship and plus I don't even own a bikini...just a one piece.

"Great! Well you are welcome to use the home theater and gym whenever you like. Monday the boys will take you to school, I have everything taken care of. Your text books are in your dresser drawer including the AP books and SAT booklet. From what I have heard, you do not joke when it comes to education and I am very satisfied that we are on the same page."

"Yes ma'am. I just have a question."

She motioned for me to go on,"Do you guys go to church?" She seemed surprised by by question as she shook her head.

"Would you mind if I went to church every Sunday?" She shook her head and smiled before walking out and shutting the door.

I let out a sigh of relief. If I didn't go to church I'm not sure what kind of a person I would be right now.

As I sat on the bed, I reminded myself not to get attached to the family. I would steer clear from these boys and just avoid alone time with Anne. It's only six months.

Hours later it was time for dinner and Harry still hadn't made his grand entrance. Apparently this is normal and he usually ditches them for his friends according to Caleb.

It was weird sitting at a table and eating dinner. Basically all the families I have been with eat in their own rooms. I would rather that instead of dodging awkward questions about myself and long periods of silence with only the sound of forks scraping the plates and ice moving around in glasses. It was especially awkward when Caleb and Anne looked at me funny when I closed my eyes and prayed.

I quietly excused myself and brought my dishes to the sink. They stared at me as I washed my dishes and dried them.

"You don't have to wash your dishes hon I have Kim our housekeeper to do that. Her day off is today but she usually does them tomorrow."

I shrugged,"I don't mind. I'm used to it." I walked up the stairs and flopped on my bed. That was one of the most awkward experiences ever. They stared at me the whole time. It's not that they were judging me but it was like they were intrigued by the little things I do. And they have a 6 days a week housekeeper? Anne has to be a doctor or something to be this wealthy.

I started playing on the iPhone Grant got me about a month ago. He's paying my phone bill just so I can call him if I ever need help and so I can be a 'normal teenager'. I decided to text him letting him know I appreciated him. He was the only one who cared enough to get me a phone and help me get my license even though I can't afford a car.

I lazily turned on the T.V. and decided on Titanic knowing it'll kill about four hours.

When the movie ended it was midnight and being a night owl, I am not tired at all. I poke my head into the hallway and see that all the lights are off except a small strip of light peeking through Caleb's door. I walk down the hallway and go down the stairs to get something to drink.

As I grab a glass out of the cupboard I hear a door open behind me.

I spin around startled and I see a tall figure step inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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