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Yey! My 6th DC Fanpoem! :DD Kyaaah! So happy~! Hahaha! However so, I'm ruefully sorry that this was posted late. I've been busy these past few days, because my Accounting class has given me an Earth to carry! T.T Really, I don't know myself why I'm taking up this course :DD. Oh well, enough of sharing. This is by the way in Wataru Takagi's POV. Thank you, Gosho-sensei, for these loveteams! :DD

I hope you could like this one! ^0^V. It would be really appreciated if you could vote and leave a comment below! :)



A DC FanPoem

She's stern and she's tough,

She's dangerous 'coz she's rough,

She's a cop so beware of her cuff,

But her beauty is not at all a bluff.

She may punch stronger than what I can,

She may had the stare that could scare a burly man,

She may smile that you can consider as a wan,

But I still love her, a feeling I outran.

She's Miwako Satou, the one I loved in a bliss,

She's one of the best, my fellow in the police,

The first time I met her, I knew that she is

The woman I would vow with, in altar and kiss.

But unexpectedly, in me she confessed,

Her love for her colleague, Shiratori I guessed,

Not even confessing and I've been busted and I messed,

Really, I'm a person, less frequent to be blessed!

Anyway, I'm considered not as good as one,

Just a detective who runs errand for everyone,

I am no better than Shiratori as a police and as a man,

I'm just a twiced-faced man who always had a tan.

Oh! But there came a good (or bad) news,

Shiratori isn't the one she wanted to choose,

However I learned from all of the clues,

Perhaps she loves the old Inspector, that I deduce!

It's horrible, when you think of my situation,

I, Wataru Takagi, deserved to be in isolation,

I'm a man who doesn't have, one luck to mention,

It's contagious, the syndrome of LUCK DEPLETION!

And so I just focused on my job and the cases,

Now, Mouri-san always unveils all the culprits' faces,

Together with Conan, we solved all the mysteries and mazes,

Though I'm thinking, how he could snore after his deductive phrases?

But then I guess God is so merciful and kind,

When there came a case that I learned I've been blind,

That what she feels for the old man is just a fatherly bind;

I'm so happy I could see Shinichi, that no one can find!

I guess what's happening is not just pure luck's bid

Fate intervened and the love's flower bloomed from a seed,

I sure hope that towards me she feels the same feeling that I've hid,

And she may see me as a man in the altar she could give a vow with.



Copyright © 2013

All rights reserved by chickenj0yZ.





A/N: I guess it's not as good as my other poems >0< Still, I hope it made sense! :DD Hahaha! Thank you for reading! DOUMO ARIGATOU!! :DD (What's the sense of a pun?! XD)

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