Chapter Five

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A/N - Slightly mature content in this chapter, don't worry, no smut.

Peter insisted I spend the rest of the day in bed, then the next day we have would practice control. I had no problem with lounging around all day.

Until I got bored.

Usually, I did target practice when I was bored, but obviously, that wasn't an option. Pan wanted to stay and keep me company but I told him he had an island to run and he reluctantly left.

As soon as I knew he was gone, I hopped out of bed and walked out of the room. Of course, the house I was in was very large and extravagant. It was styled with the most expensive luxuries, I noticed, that even though the home was so large, it only had one bedroom. I wasn't surprised by this of course, why would Pan ever let anyone else into his house? Instead of guest rooms, there were game rooms, a gym, a pool, exc.

My favorite part of the house was the kitchen, I didn't recognize the style though, it had shiny metal appliances, and I large wardrobe type thing, also a silvery metal. But instead of clothes, I was met with a cold blast of air and shelves of frozen food. I supposed it must be something from another realm. The countertops were a white marble and the cabinets were an almost black wood. I must say it was a very attractive fashion.

I decided I was hungry and chose magic to make food since I had no idea how the things in this kitchen worked. I made pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hot chocolate appear.

I then went outside to the edge of the cliff to eat, I walked through the oak door to the large stone chamber that contained the waterfall and moved the dream shade to sit on the precipice of the cliff. The sun was now in the middle of the sky and cast a bright light over the island. I could see the camp and training grounds from here, I saw a few Lost Boys working on sword fighting and such.

"I thought I told you to stay in the room Sarah." Came an exasperated sigh from behind me.

"I got bored, so I explored. And besides, I feel a lot better now." I shrugged.

Peter came and sat next to me, "Does that mean you want to go train?"

I looked at him shocked, "Really? I would like nothing better. There's nothing else to do." I practically yelled.

"Alright, alright!" He held his hands up in defeat. I smirked at him and jumped off the ledge.

"SARAH!" Peter yelled.

I flew back up to hover in front of him, and gave him the; 'really?' Look.

He shook his head, "Its gonna have to take some getting used to another person flying."

"Oh boo hoo, let's go Pan!" I was giddy with excitement.

He sighed and led me to the training grounds, today, they are practicing hand to hand combat. These boys seemed to be asking to get there butts kicked.


"Okay boys, I see your been warming up. Time to get down and dirty." Pan announced.

There was a small circular arena, covered in sand, in case someone started to bleed. Peter arranged a line, whoever won the fight, got to stay in the arena, whoever lost went to the back of the line. Pan stood on the side, coaching. In a way.

I found it unfair that he didn't separate the age groups, instead, you had eight year olds fighting of nineteen year olds. But I remained silent and waited my turn. Of course, with me being the girl and all, I'd been shoved to the back of the line. I was getting annoyed but decided to let them, since they'd see what I could do soon enough.

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