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Vannessa POV
Me and my baby boy Jr stepped off the plane and saw my homegirl Aisha waiting for us Jr jumped out my arms and ran to Aisha I just smiled it feels good to be back in LA
End of POV

Aisha: *picks him up* Baby boy got so big

Jr: *giggles*


Vannessa: Miyah *picks her up* my princess I'm glad to see you

Miyah: Me to daddy n uncle Mal are at the house

Vannessa: Oh *puts her down*

Miyah: *smiles* jrrr

Jr: Yahhh *runs to her*

Aisha: *smiles*

Vannessa: Why you didn't tell me Jarmal was at the house you know ima be staying there

Aisha: He lives there to with that bitch Tenea

Vannessa: Ugh they together

Aisha: Yeah n she's pregnant but let's go

Skipping to when they get to the house

Tay: *runs outside* Jr!! *gets him out his car seat*

Jr: *hugs Tay* uwncle

Miyah: Dad can we go in

Tay: Yeah *takes the kids inside*

Vannessa & Aisha: *walk in*


Vannessa: Jarmal *rolls her eyes*

Jarmal: Don't be like that *sees Jr* is he mines

Vannessa: Mhm *grabs Jr* Jr this is your daddy

Jr: *reachs for Jarmal* DaDa

Jarmal: *smiles & grabs him* Yes

???: Why she here *walks downstairs rubbing her belly*

Aisha: Because this my house Tenea

Tenea: So what

Vannessa: *looks at Tenea stomach with hurt in her eyes*

Tenea: *smirks & looks at Jarmal* Who's kid

Jarmal: Me n Vannessa

Tenea: *scoffs* his cute

Tay: Oh hell

Miyah: Mal can me n Jr go play

Jarmal: *puts him down* Sure

Miyah: *helps Jr upstairs & goes to her room*

Tay & Aisha: We going to get y'all bags *walks out*

Jarmal POV
All I can do is stare at Vannessa she's gotten so thick sense I say her I missed her so much but I fucked up now I got Tenea pregnant and Jr looks just like me ugh
End of POV

Tenea POV
I hope this chick doesn't think she can get him back cause its not happening over my dead body
End of POV

Aisha POV
I'm glad my bitch is back she looks better we can fuck with Tenea ass
End of POV

I missed my sister Vannessa I hate Tenea bitch ass tf does he see in that girl smh
End of POV

Skipping to later that night & the kids are in bed everybody in the living room expt Jarmal & Tenea

Vannessa: *sits on the couch* Hey

Aisha & Tay: *kissing*

Vannessa: *laughs* well damn

Jarmal: *comes & sits by Vannessa*

Vannessa: *gets up & Jarmal pulls her back* WHAT!!!

Jarmal: I'm so sorry Vannessa I don't know what I was thinking the night I cheated I knew I had a baby on the way I was drunk and high I didn't mean to do this to you I....I cried for a whole 2 months straight missing you I was going crazy then Tenea said she was pregnant then I realized you wasnt coming back and I knew you kept in contact with aisha so that's how I would check up on you but I'm sorry and I love you I'm in love with you *tear rolling down his face*

Aisha & Tay: *stop kissing & looks*

Vannessa: I don't know im still in love with you to but your with Tenea Jarmal

Jarmal: Just think about it I'll do anything if that means getting you and my son back in my life just think *walks upstairs*

Tay: I think he means it and not just because his my brother but his never cryed bout a girl Ness

Vannessa: I know *puts her head in her hands*

Aisha: I agree with Tay doe goodnight doe I love you girl *walks upstairs*

Tay: *yawns & goes upstairs* YEAH WHT SHE SAID NESS!!!!

Vannessa: *laughs & goes upstairs while thinking & sees Jarmal in Jr room singing him back to sleep*

Jarmal: *singing*

Vannessa: *standing in the door frame smiling & walks in*

Jarmal: *stops & looks up & puts Jr in his bed & pushes Vannessa out & close the door a Lil*

Vannessa: Hey why you push me

Jarmal: My bad *chuckles* didn't wanna wake our son

Vannessa: *smiles* Oh

Jarmal: Still have a pretty smile

Vannessa: *blushes & looks down*

Jarmal: *lifts her head up & looks in her eyes* did you think about it

Vannessa: *bites her lip* Yes

Jarmal: So

Vannessa: Yes

Jarmal: *looks in her eyes & smiles big* Night beautiful *goes down the hall in his room*

Vannessa: *stands there* Night

Jarmal POV
I walked in my room and didn't see Tenea I sighed must be outside I just can't stop thinking about Vannessa god I miss this girl why did I ever have to fuck up that's a mistake I wish I could change damn man that girl *gets in the shower*
End of POV

Vannessa POV
I got hungry and went back downstairs into the kitchen but omw there I heard Tenea on the phone with some man on speaker I stayed back so she couldn't see me
End of POV

Tenea & The Man

Tenea: Babe I'll be by there in some mins

The man: Ight I'm ready for our baby to be born

Tenea: Me to ima leave him

The man: You need to

Tenea: I am I'll be there soon doe *hangs up*
End of Tenea & The Man

(Still Vannessa POV)-Vannessa POV I can't believe what I just heard smh I just went back upstairs and went in my room & got in the shower
End of POV

Tenea POV
I walked upstairs to our room & I heard the shower running he must be in there I just grabbed my shoes & keys & walked back down & walked out the door
End of POV


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