CHAPTERR 2EWWWWWWWWWWWWW cool :D i made it this far

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alright lets do this yall,

so he went in the washroom and Britney all stelfy like :D

Climbs in the air vents aaannnnnnndddd

*went in the air vent and.. uhh wait hold on..*

Okaay so she sees Zayn and he's taking a Duummpp and den Britney says

"Im Britney BitCH" and jumps on Zayn....

and cracks his neck

soooo that's the end of Zayn, Aww no wait theres still 4 more to go? UGHHHHH

so then Britney goes upstairs to Harrys room

and guess who opens the door in harrys room?

That's right, its Harry...

So harry says "Oh hello, whats your name Guuurrrlll? your a little young for me,, cause if you know me I like girls over the age of 50, maybe you should bring your mom over and we can have a really good time" then Britney says "The jokes on you my moms dead! so you have to deal

with me, TEHE shes not, I respect my mom"

then harrrrryyyy says "Oh, a little humor HEHEHE" im not says harry laughs

like thaaaatttt but harry laughs like that, so cut long story short,

Britney goes into his room, and if you know English people love tea so guess what there having? Coffee :D

and Britney loves 2 SCOOOPPPPS of sugar and some MOLK :D

and uhhhhh crumpets so Louis says Oh no wait were in harrys room my bad so harry says that's right "So why are you here?" then Britney says "im actually starting to like you harry, but did you know JustinBEibER wants you dead" turn of events guess who kicks the door in? that right Louis. Did you think I was going to say Justin? Nahhh

Chapter 2 done :DDDD

a funny fanfiction that doesnt make any sence of what were doing here 2Where stories live. Discover now