Chapter 13

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*A/N: I'm adding a point of view for this chapter.


*Hope's POV:

I walked into school Monday exhausted as hell. I was up until three trying to finish this stupid history essay. I'm ready to go take a nap in Ms. Sumner's class. Forget this. Thank the Lord I only have two more weeks in this hellhole.

As soon as I walked in, a felt a pair of arms grab me from behind. "Hey baby," I heard a deep voice whisperv in my ear.

I turned around and saw Xavi's big hazel eyes staring at me. "Boy, you lucky I saw you in time! I was rey bust a crater up in your face! Don't scare me like that!" I laughed.

"You THOUGHT you could fight me.... and win!" he said.

"Please, I can easily bus driver uppercut your ass in three seconds or less."

He grab my hips and pushed me against the wall. "Keep trying... but daddy always wins," he whispered in my ear then nibbled the top of it.

"Get away!" I said pushing him off me. He knew that was my hotspot and now he was torturing me with it. I tried getting away but he wouldn't move. He buried his head in my neck and started to kiss on it.

"Babe, stooopp. Not in the hallway," I mumbled.

"Why?" he mumbled in my neck. "Ain't nobody out here anyway."

"Yeah, nobody except for me!" Brooklyn said from across the hallway. "Damn, get a room or something. Next thing you know, we gon be seeing lil Xavi and Hope Jrs. running around here."

Me and Brooklyn started laughing but apparently, Xavi didn't find it funny. "Smch, really though?"

Brooklyn shrugged. "Aww, it's okay," I made a puppy dog face at him. "Daddy gon get some later on," I whispered in his ear.

He smiled at me then walked away.

"I swear, y'all two are a trip," Brooklyn said.

I just nodded my head and smiled. Xavi was my everything. He was truly my other half. I know we only been together for about three weeks but I hope to spend my whole entire life with him. As far fetched as it may sound, my love for Xavi was real. I honestly don't know what I would do without him and I'm scared as hell of losing him-especially to one of these irrelevant, weakass hoes. But then again, there's no way in hell THAT'S happening.


~Couple hours later~

Me and Xavi spent our free period walking to The Big Scoop, the new ice cream parlor across from our school. It was so cute. The whole inside looked like a big ice cream sundae itself. The walls were bright pink, minty green colored love seats and couches were strewn about the room, and the tables were pure white, matching my dripping vanilla bean cone.

Xavi was eating all loud and what not and he was making a big mess. He ordered the chocolate lovers super deluxe sundae and now he had chocolate all over his mouth and hands. He reminded me of my little cousin. I burst out laughing at him.

"What's funny?" he asked with a mouthful of ice cream.

"You are too much!" I laughed.

Next thing you know, I felt something wet and sticky on my face. I open my eyes and see him reaching over and smearing chocolate sauce all over my face.

"Xavi!" I gasped. "The f-ck is wrong with you?!"

"Don't worry babe, I'll clean it up. Come here," he pulled me closer and practically sucked my mouth into his.

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