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The elevator doors opened with a soft thud and I ran out into the hotel lobby. I scurried to the front desk and banged on the bell desperately to alert someone to the desk. 

"Alright, alright. I'm coming, stop banging that damn bell." A woman's voice hollered from in the back room. The owner of the voice opened up the door. It was a short woman wearing glasses that were way too large for her face. She eyed me up and down curiously, "What do you want?" 

"Where is the bar? I need to find my dad right now." I questioned her frantically. I considered telling her about the murder I witnessed, but I'd rather just get my dad and I out of here. The murderer saw what I looked like and he could come after me. The front desk lady will find the victim's body eventually. 

"Up those stairs, you'll see the bar right when you get up there." The lady informed me. 

I bolted straight to the stairs and ascended the steps two at a time. I turned around after approaching the end of the stairs and saw the bar. I darted in the direction of the bar as fast as my short legs could carry me. At the bar was my father and the creepy frizzy-haired lady. The woman who was at the front desk when my father and I first arrived at the hotel was now tending the bar. The frizzy-haired lady had her hand on my father's knee which surprised me.

"Well hey Cas," my father slurred, "have you met my friend Sally?" he drunkenly questioned while he nodded to the woman who was groping his knee. Sally smirked at me. 

I averted my attention away from Sally to my father, "Dad, we need to leave this hotel right now." I urged, hoping he would snap out of his drunken state. That didn't exactly happen. Instead, he slammed his hands on the bar and let out a howling laugh. Sally joined in on the laughter. The lady behind the bar rolled her eyes and poured another drink for Sally. 

My father lifted up a martini and brought it to his lips to put more alcohol into his system. I bravely smacked the drink right out of his hand, causing the glass to shatter on the floor near me. My father stood up instantly from his seat and looked down at me. His whole face was full of rage as he heavily breathed in and out of his nose. I was shocked at my own actions, but I held my ground. I locked eyes with him. In a swift movement, he put his hands onto my shoulders and forcefully shoved me to the ground. I landed on my butt with my hands by my sides from attempting to stop the fall. My left hand landed in the broken martini glass, which hurt immensely. 

My father was going to advance on me when he was pulled back by the bartender. She shoved him away from me and pointed a finger into his face, "You're going to leave this bar right now." She ordered my father angrily. My father just nodded very intensely and stumbled away from the bar, without even looking back.

"Dammit Liz, you ruined the show." Sally remarked before following after my father. As Sally trailed behind him, she turned to look at me and wink. I glared at her and she kept walking. 

My left hand was bleeding from the horribly placed glass on the floor. Liz looked down at me and exhaled before returning to the back of the bar. I cautiously stood up and peered at her. 

"Thank you for stopping him." I thanked her. I'm not sure what else he would have done but I'm glad she was there to interrupt his plans. I know he didn't intentionally try to hurt me, but things happen when he drinks. 

"No problem," she smiled, "do you want some water or anything?" I nodded gratefully and took a seat at the bar. Liz poured me a glass of water and I drank the whole glass. She set down some napkins and I took them and put them on my cut up hand. "So, why do you want to leave the Cortez?" she inquired. 

I looked down at my lap and then back up at her, "I-I saw a murder," She refilled my glass of water and chuckled. Did she not believe me? "lady, I know what I saw. I can even take you to where it happened." I cried. She had to believe me. 

Again - James Patrick MarchWhere stories live. Discover now