Chapter 1: Explosive Start

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- Third Person P.O.V-

"Hey guys sky here and I am with dead-lox and we will be playing Minecraft." Adam and his third person view of his character reveled a world of blocks and creatures. "Ty... uh... do you want  to say some thing?" Adam exited third person showing a blocked figure with head phones and a speaker on his head redish, brown hair covering one of his green eyes. He was wearing a white and green tee shirt and grey, blue jeans. 

"uh... not really other than Hash tag-Ty's foot!" Adam burst out laughing slamming his hands on the desk falling out of his roller chair.

"Ow... T-That hurt." Adam got back in his chair moving his mouse to tell Ty he was okay. Ty was quietly snickering gathering Items for their house. Suddenly a quiet hissing sound came from behind Ty. "Ty watch out. COME AFTER ME DUMB GREEN DICK!" Adam screamed at the green block creature on his screen, and having his mine-craft character hit it. Ty just watched Adam run the green creature fallowed. Ty whispered to himself. 

"*Wow he's good with a sward." Ty practically swooned over the fact that he was getting saved, he blushed slightly when he realized his brother walked in the room. Ty paused the recording."Hey Chris whats up?" 

"Who are you recording with? He's really loud..." the young man seemed as though he just woke up his hair was all over and his light blue eyes had sleep marking every inch of them. 

"Oh sorry that's just Adam he was... er... saving my life in a game." Ty blushed again brighter than before. 

"Well I only heard him say 'Dick' so.... just tell him to try to keep it down I have.... special company over.... so.... yeah." Chris turned walking out slowly. Ty turned back to the game, unpausing it.

"Hey Adam that was my brother, wants us to keep it down. He has 'special company' over so.... anyway- holy shit, it's night already?!" 

"Yeah, it only takes about ten minutes for it to be night. What did you expect? It's a game after all." Adam snickered."I made us a temporary hut out of dirt, It has two beds."Ty giggled like a little school girl when when he saw that the two beds were smushed together in a corner."Well I guess we'll stop the video here that was an explosive start to our first day in minecraft. Hope you guys liked the video, if you did make sure to slap that like  button with your nose, and if you think you would like more minecraft with Ty subscribe and comment down below. I will see you later recruits.... BYE-!" Ty and Adam ended the video hopping off minecraft. Ty grabbed his phone and went to face time clicking on Adams blank profile picture. The familiar ring tone continued till Adam picked up.

"Hey Adam, Thanks for saving me back there. *I kept blushing in front of my brother." Ty whispered the last bit when his face got warm and crimson red. 

"Uh... Ty are you okay?" Adam looked concerned at the phone screen. Ty looked into the smaller box in the corner of his phone screen that showed  his face. 

"Oh.... Uh.... Yeah, No I'm fine the heater just kicked on, so...yeah." Ty lied his face flushed of all color.

"Uh, Okay...  Anyway wanna come over and hang out for a while?" Ty nodded jumping  from his desk chair.

"I'll be right over!" Ty screamed.    

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