My Marvelous Monday Part 1

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Hello everybody! I'm back with a new story-A Teenager's Story-Dramatic Adaptations of My Life! Don't expect this to be updated more often than Reliving My Childhood, though I will be writing this when I get writer's block for RMC! Now, on with the story!


Title-A Teenager's Story-Dramatic Adaptations of My Life


Summary-Sara is your normal, everyday teenager. So can she survive having lunatic parents, witchy classmates and being forced to attend the school from hell?


Chapter 1: My Marvelous Monday Part 1


I groaned as the noisy alarm wormed it's way into my pleasant dream. Oh, how I la la love Mondays.


I rolled out of bed and landed flat on my face (very smooth) and practically fell down the stairs. Ignoring the pain in my face, I put some bread in the toaster and got out the cups and plates that my family would need for breakfast. My bubbly little sister, Charlotte, skipped down the stairs and happily began munching on the toast I'd put out on the table.

Ah, I remember when I was that happy. So cheerful and light-hearted, it's almost depressing knowing that her attitude will be fed to the happiness crushers known as high school people. If fact, she'll be up with me in a few short years.

You see, I go to the local high school, aka The Schoolhouse From Hell, which is known for killing the spirits of the most cheerful people to walk the earth.

And I take the bus, which leaves at seven-goddamn-thirty.

I suppose that you know what this means-time to put on the school's ugly uniform!

Honestly. It's like 40 degrees out there (on a Monday in Febuary, no less) and the people in power still make us go to school. Yay government.

So I managed to pull on the school's flimsy dress shirt and tartan skirt-and realised that I needed to be at the bus stop in five minutes.

I ran into the kitchen/living area again to collect the various school items that I had left scattered through the house. Charlotte, who was slowly eating her toast, smiled at me.

"Sara, why are you running around so much?"

I fought the massive urge to bang my head against a wall.

"I have school, remember? And so do you, for that matter. You need to hurry up!"

She simply pointed at the calendar hanging on the wall.

15th of February, that's definitely the date.

Hold on... it's a Sunday.



No sooner than I had changed back into my PJs and crawled back into the embrace of my bed I heard my dad calling me.


What is it, my fabulous, fabulous father?

"We thought that we could go hiking today! Can you get on some nice comfy clothes?"

(By we he meant my mother, aka The Boss)

The answer to their question was NO, NO, NO. But seeing as it was clearly a rhetorical question, I dragged myself from the comfy den of comfyness (is that a word? It is now) and opened my closet.

Knowing that my parents would object against wearing PJs, no matter how comfy they are, I pulled on a long-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of trackies as quick as I could, trying to ignore the throbbing heat before I collapsed of heat exhaustion.

And so, the young heroine, the innocent child, the raving lunatic and the medieval torturess hopped into their old yet valient steed (the old SUV) and drove to the coast.

Wish me luck.


I swear, if someone touches me I will KILL them. Mercilessly.

In other news, we have reached our destination-a massive rock in the middle of nowhere. What was the point in this trip anyway?

Luckily, there's no one else insane enough to be out here, so we can do pretty much whatever we want without being stared at by the cold eyes of society. For me this means being sprawled out on a flat area of the rock, for Charlotte and Dad this means looking at EVERY FLIPPING ROCK POOL ON THE COAST and for Mum this means sunbathing as she reads her magazine.

Oh dear God, the crazy people are calling me again.

Wait, we have to walk back?



Unlike Dad's fabulous idea that we should race back to the car, which is a couple of k's away. Because the loser had to buy everyone ice cream, and I'm more broke than the national treasury, I figured that I better take part.

I didn't lose, but I think that I'm getting heat stroke.

AND the air con in the car is broken. WHY ME?

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