My Marvelous Monday Part 2

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*insert authour's note here*


Chapter 2: My Marvelous Monday Part 2


I opened my eyes a tiny bit to find the brightness of the sun burning my retinas and my legs feeling like they're going to snap off. Only today really IS a Monday. Why do we even have Mondays anyway? Personally, I think that we should ditch Mondays and have an extra Saturday instead. But God forbid we should listen to one of the few sane people on this planet!

But for now, I had more pressing issues at hand. Like it being a Monday.

I decided that I would just have to pretend to be sick. I mean, really, are there any other options?

The good thing was although my mum's a vet, she didn't work on Mondays.

So I painted some eye shadow under my eyes, screwed up a bunch of tissues and began Operation: Sick Day.

I started coughing until you could hear it echo around the halls of the house. At this rate, I'd get a sore throat and a headache whether I went to school or not.

I heard footsteps thumping up the stairs. Bingo!

Mum opened the door slightly.

"Honey, are you alright? I could hear you coughing."

I'm pretty sure the Inuit could hear me coughing. Anyways, I slumped back onto my pillow and groaned slightly. The trick is to not overdo it, that's when you tip people off.

"I dunno," I mumbled, slurring my words together a bit, "I feel really sick. I think I must have caught a bug from the hike yesterday."

Mum came over and sat on the end of my bed. She put her hand on my forehead, which I had warmed with a damp cloth. She winced.

"You're burning up... I don't think you should go to school today."

"Awww..." I moaned. Ha, on the inside I was jumping for joy. Mum looked away.

"But I've got an extra appointment today-I can't take care of you. Hmm, maybe I can call Aunt Isabel..."


Aunt Isabel is my mum's older sister (and by older I mean her childhood friend was a T-rex) and possibly the most boring person on earth. Hey, maybe she went to my high school. That would explain a lot.

"No, no! I'll be fine!" I said urgently.

But mum was too persistent, and now I'm stuck with Aunt Isabel for six hours. I was no longer internally jumping for joy.


Drone, drone. Geez, doesn't she ever shut up?

Currently lying on my bed with a pillow stuffed over my ears, and I can still hear the old hag. As of the last three hours, she has told me so much utter crap that I now know that her stamp collectors club is having a budget cut, meaning that the members can't buy enough coffee for their meaningless meetings, her friend Roberta's daughter had a baby, but her grandson (who is my age) has rebelled and tried to suffocate the baby using baby food.

Also other random junk that I don't even WANT to recall.

I suppose it suits me right, lying to my mum.



The hag left the house an hour ago, thank God. She ended up staying for dinner-much to Charlotte's chagrin-which I missed on account of being 'sick'. Poor kid. She's too innocent to be introduced to the horrors of hag-ness.

Currently planning ways to break my legs before school tomorrow. The hospital staff wouldn't be cruel enough to leave me alone with her. However, I wouldn't put it above the government.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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