The Secret I Keep... [Chapter 7]

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Chapter 7: On The Run

Super short chapter I know): I'll make a longer one in a little while I Promiss!


I remember that day like it was yesterday. That was the worst day in Alex’s life. After that day his dad started beating him and telling him he should have been the one to die. He told him he was a coward for running away. Alex had it hard and I never realized exactly how hard he had it.

After a while the doctor told me I needed to leave the room. I got up and said good-bye to Alex. The nurse had told me that he had 3 broken ribs, a sprained wrist, a sprained ankle, a cracked collar bone, and he needed stitched above his eye and on his cheek. The most disturbing news she told me was he had a puncture wound in his chest. She said it was most likely caused by a knife. I gasped at this news. His father tried to kill him…

The good news was she told me he would make a full recovery and that the knife didn’t hit any major organs. As I walked out of his room and towards the waiting room I saw Andy. As soon as he saw me and jumped up and ran towards me.

“Is he okay?!”

“Yes he’s fine. The doctor said he will make a full recovery.”

He ran his hand through his hair.

“Thank god.”

“I thought you left?” I asked him.

“Oh no I’ve been talking to the police.”


“I told them that I didn’t know what happened.”

I sighed.

“Miss McKallaster?” I heard a deep voice from behind me say.

I turned around to see a police officer.

“Yes sir?” I asked being polite.

“Would you come with me please?” he said sternly.

Great. I’m dead. Just Freaking wonderful.

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