Pool party

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" We could do a mini pool party, we can invite the rest of the guys. Nikki you could call the girls be me and Sammy could get some hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill." Nate said
"Yeah that's a great idea!" I said "ok so Nate, Sammy go to the store get what we need. Jacks call up the boys and I'll call the girl. and yo buys and go get bathing suits from Dylan's room if you want." they all nodded. Nate and Sammy left, the jacks went downstairs to the play room or Dylan's room, and I went upstairs. I knocked on the twins door. "Come in." I hear them yell. "Hey guys. w are having a mini pool party u could each invite two friends." they nodded.
I went to my room and texted my girl best friends on our group chat.
"The Babes ❤️❤️❤️❤️"

Me: Hey babes me and the guys are having a small pool party in about an hour. Can you guys come?

Stephy poo ❤️😏💋: cool! I'll be their in about 30

Twin #1😍😘☝: Me and Vanessa will be their in 20. Rightl ?

Twin #2 ❤️😍✌️: Yes Veronica. We'll be their soon Nikki!

Blake🔥💋😘: I'm at the door😁😂

Me: Kk see you guys soon. Lol Blake

I ran down stairs to open the door for Blake.
I opened and she jumped on me hugging me.
We stayed like that for about 30 more seconds. Blake lives about 1 hour away so we don't see her that often but I love her. And every summer she stayed around here.
"How have you been!" She said letting go walking in to the house.
"Iv been good I missed you, it's been so long." I said as we entered the kitchen.
"I know one month is to long." she said getting a Sprite.
"Hey Blake!" Jack said walking upstairs with JJ.
"Hey B." JJ said.
"Hey guys." she said hugging them.
"Ok we are gonna go upstairs and get changed and then come back down here and set up. did you call the guys?" I said to the jacks.
"Mike and John will be here in 10 and Sammy and Nate are on their way back with the stuff." Jack said
" We are gonna go downstairs and get changed and we'll help you guys setting up." JJ finished. I nodded , me and Blake went upstairs while they went down stairs.
"I was already on my way here so I have no bathing suit. Can I borrow one?." She asked "yeah of course take which ever just not the strapy white one." I said she nodding. She tossed me my favourit bathing Suit which was the strapy white one. She put on my block and white triangle bikini. I threw on a pair of black shorts and she out on a pair of white high waisted shorts. " You look cute" she said "thnx love so do you" I said. we walk downstairs and see Sammy and Nate outside in bathing suits preparing the grill.
We decided to just out everything outside so their wouldn't be a mess inside. "ok let's put two pull out table outside then we will set everything on their." Blake said I nodded "Jacks" I yell. I see them come upstairs Jack in a bathing suit and no shirt and JJ in a bathing suit and a tank top. "Yeah?" JJ said "can you guys go to the side of the house w being two of those folding tables out." they nod and go outside
Me and Blake go outside to see Sammy and Nate.
"Hey Blake!" Sammy said "hi Sammy" she hugged him. " Blakey" Nate said smirking. They have this thing with giving each other nicknames that the other person hates. idk but whatever. "Hi Nathaniel" she said hugging him. "ok 1 that's not my real name and you know that and 2 never call me that again." he said with a warning glair. she put her hand up in defeat. "Ok guys what did you but?" I asked " we got the burgers and hotdogs, the buns. we also got lettuce, tomato, onions, drinks, solo cups, frozen fries, and then a bunch of sauces." Sammy said
"Ok so we will go inside and start getting that ready." I said while I was going under the grill to turn on the gas because u could see they had no idea ho. "Thanks" Nate said
The jacks came out with the tables and we put them right next to each other . Me and Blake went to go get plastic table cloths. Set them on the table and went back I see to get the food ready. Just as we got inside the door bell rand. "ITS OPEN" I yell. I see the twins come in.
"NIKKI!!" They yell running towards me engulfing me in a hug.
"Hey Vs!" I said hugging them back " I missed you guys"
"Blakey!!!!!" Veronica said hugging Blake. " Hey V" she said hugging her back. " Hey B!!!" Vanessa said "V #2!" she said and they hugged as well.
We just talked to the twins for a little and they went upstairs to my room to get changed while me and Blake went in the kitchen. I started cutting up the tomatoes and onions while Blake got the hot dog and burger buns in these basket thingys. Then I put the vegetable on a plate with lettuc.
We went outside put cups, plates, plastic forks and knifes, the buns, sauces, vegetables, and the some water bottles.
We went back inside and I made some lemonade and got 14 mason jars filled them with lemonade and put them in the fridge to take out later so they will be cool. Once I got all that done when someone came through the door...

A/n comment and let me know what you guys think!
Love y'all

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