Just Lay With Me And It Will All Be Okay

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To say Dean was overly concerned about his girlfriend was understatement of the year. She had barely come out of her room all day, and even when she did, it was only to get more alcohol. His emotions and curiosity getting the best of him, Dean slowly ventures his way down the hall of the bunker until he came in front of Jamie's bedroom door. Dean softly knocked on the door, but was met with no response. He went to turn the knob and it opened immediately, it surprisingly not being locked. Dean's green eyes flitted around the room until they landed on a dishelved Jamie lying on the bed, a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a knife in the other. "Do I look like I give two shits about what you're gonna say to me, Dean?" she said, taking another swig of the amber liquid. "We need to talk Jamie," he said, slowly walking over to her and taking the knife out of her hand. It was very unusual for Jamie not to put up any resistance, and that made him scared. "You've been scaring the crap out of everyone lately. Especially me." Not wanting to hear any more, Jamie got up off the bed and slammed the glass bottle down on the nightstand. "Do you realize the hell I've been going through lately?" she yelled, making eye contact with the elder Winchester. "I promised you that we would find Izzy not matter what it took," Dean replied, taking a few steps closer to his red headed lover. "And I will personally make sure that Sam, Cas, and Aynsley come back from the hunt safe. For the last few days, Jamie had looked as if she was on the verge of a breakdown. And tonight would be the night she finally broke. A lone tear had made its way down Jamie's face, although it has gone unnoticed. "Come here," Dean said, pulling her by the waist. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and held her to his chest as close as the universe would allow him. He planted a longing kiss on her forehead as Dean said, "I love you." Suddenly, he heard a soft whimper come from his girlfriend as Jamie returned the action, wrapping her pale arms tightly around Dean's neck, burying her face in his neck. "Please... Get her back" she whispered, crying now. Dean could only hold her and pray that the others found their friend and were on their way back to the bunker. "Come on, let's go to sleep," he said, before gently picking up Jamie in his arms. Her head flopped against his shoulder. Walking over to the bed, Dean laid down, still holding Jamie close to him. In an effort to calm her, he began to run a hand through her fiery red hair. The tears soon stopped, and her breathing returned to normal. Out of nowhere, Dean began to sing softly.

"Wise men say... Only fools rush in..."

Jamie's sniffling had subsided as she became calm and listened to the steady beat of Dean's heart. She curled into his side in an effort to get some of the warmth radiating off of him.

"But I can't help, falling in love with you..."

While singing, Dean looked down on the woman he loved, who was being held close to him where no one could hurt her. And if there wasn't a war going on, and Dean and his brother weren't hunters, this was all he could ever ask for.

"Shall I stay, would it be a sin..."

The elder Winchester cupped her cheek in his hand, running his thumb over the cheekbone repeatedly. This helped Jamie go to sleep after a hunt or a very restless night. Her eyelids were starting to droop, but Jamie was fighting to stay awake.

"If I can't help, falling in love with you..."

"Just lay with me, and it will all be okay," Dean said quietly, interrupting the melody. Jamie grabbed the hand Dean had on her face and held onto it for dear life. Even through this nightmare of not having Izzy there by her side, there was something there, someone to keep her grounded.

"Like a river flows, shorley to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be..."

Looking down again, Dean saw that Jamie's breathing had evened out and she had fallen asleep. But he decided to continue the song, just a little bit more.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too..."

It was true. Over the course of a month, Jamie had gone from a complete stranger to the woman he loved and swore to protect. Everyone had told him romantic relationships and hunting wouldn't work out, but Dean made a promise.

"For I can't help, falling in love with you."

The song was right. Dean couldn't help falling in love with Jamie right from the start. The minute he laid eyes on the red headed woman, there was something that struck him about her. Jamie had made such an impact on his life in such a short time, Dean didn't know what hit him.

Dean kept on playing with strands of Jamie's short red hair. He had intertwined his other hand with one of hers, letting it lay limply on her legs. Kissing her forehead once more, he whispered, "Just lay with me and it will all be okay."

Just Lay With Me And It Will All Be Okay // JamiexDeanWhere stories live. Discover now