Rise of the Dalon Part 10 (not copy edited yet)

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"We keep it tight" Lord Jonts continued "and keep moving. If things go wrong, hope that we have reached the outskirts of the city. Once there we break for the streets and move on from there. Is that clear?"

"Yes Lord " Douglas and Farriss replied.

"Form up" Lord Jonts bellowed. Instantly his warriors hurried into position. Three units formed a square two deep on each side and another section in their centre. William and the others were shuffled to the centre of Douglas's square. They were ready to leave. Still there was no sign of the Dalon. William and the others looked around unsure as to what to do. They moved out on to the south road, leaving the safety of their crude fort. As the sun continued its climb, William found he could see nothing beyond the warriors that surrounded him.

"What can you see?" he asked Balor.

Balor looked around over the heads of the rest of them "nothing " he replied.

"No sign of the Dalon" William questioned.

"The Dalon? " Balor looked down with a blank face.

"The lizards" William replied a little irritated "the things that chased you over the field"

"Alright" Balor replied a little hurt and embarrassed "how was I to know what they were called". He quickly looked around, "nothing" he said sharply.

"I don't like this" Rook said drawing his sword. Visions of the night before running through his head. William did the same.

The squares moved on. Every warrior at the ready.

"If you see anything just call it out nice and loud," Douglas ordered Balor

"ok" Balor said, now concentrating hard on the ditches, hedges and fields which ran along the south road.

William ask how long it would take to reach the citadel "as long as it takes" Douglas replied.

"And the Lizards?" Rook questioned.

"They will come or they will not. Depends if they are interested in us". Douglas said lightly he was clearly not worried by the prospect of a fight. For the first part of the march everyone waited for the attack. Balor finally saw Dalon in the distance, but they did not come close. As time went on William, Rook and Balor all relaxed a little. The fields and farms went by and gradually the suburbs of the great sprawling city of Farnbreth slowly came up to them. At all times the warriors of the royal guard held tight in their squares, ready for any attack that may come. Finally they found the road blocked. A barricade crossed the south road just up from where the first shacks, that were the homes of the people of Farnbreth this far from its centre, began. Terraces lined the south road each held up by the other, split by small alleyways. The barricade was not manned, and may well have been placed there on Lord Gants orders. Douglas was called to Lord Jonts square, and quickly returned.

"Anything?" he asked Balor.

"Not a thing" Balor replied, "what's going on?"

"Were going on," Douglas answered, "but not sure who put up that barricade. No one is around and no sign of an army passing through, so we go on. Lord Jonts wants to send a group forward to make sure we are not moving in to a trap though".

"I'll go with them" Rook offered, eager to do something.

"No need" Douglas replied, but Rook was not giving in easily. "I tracked the Lizards for a day, if they put it there I will know" Rook said, respectfully.

Douglas paused then made his decision. "Go with them. Report any signs straight to Lord Jonts. Ok".

"No problem" Rook replied excited at the simple task. He followed the four warriors Douglas had also assigned the task.

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