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Katniss Everdeen standing in District 2, or what is left of it. Eyes ablaze, fire running in her body instead of blood. let's go!

Yeah, you can be the greatest,

You can be the best,

You can rise up, and fight the rest!

You can beat the world,

You can stop the war,

But if they refuse, go banging on their doors.

Show them what you made up of,

Show them what you got,

Tell them you are stronger,

And powerful than they thought.

You can be the leader,

Don't give a fcuk,

Gear yourself up, and you can rule the world.

Girl on fire is your name!

And the districts know your name!

Cause you burn with the brightest flame,

The Capitol knows your name!
You are on their hall of fame!

They made you run the distance,

They made you run the miles,

You've been living in hell, that too with a smile.

You are the hero,

You are worth every gold,

Breaking every record, they thought never could be broke.

Yeah, do it for your people,

Do it for your pride.

You taught all of us -everything's worth a try.

Do it for your District,

Do it for revenge,

Cause there's gonna be a day!!

When you will be worth every fame,

Worth all the things you did insane

Cause you burn with the brightest flame,

And the world's gonna know your name.

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame.

Be a champion, be a warrior, be a champion, be a warrior

On the walls of the hall of fame.

Be fighter,

Be leader

Be wiser

Be warrior

Be believer

Be leader

Be champion

Be tribute

Be truth seeker

Be a student

Be teacher

Be fighter

Be leader

Be believer

Be leader

Be champion

Be champion

Been the tribute at the games

Questioning whether you were sane?

But you burn with the brightest flame.

And no matter whoever will blame,

You won district wide acclaim

(Be the champion)

You could be the greatest,

You can be the best

(Be the champion)

You can do better than the rest

You could beat the world,

You could stop the war

And if they refuse,

You could become the leader, bang on their door.

You can open you wings now,

Take out your bow

Shoot that arrow straight through

Piercing all the rocks!

You can be the revolution

Don't give a fuck

Dedicate yourself to the mockingbird and go find yourself

Blazing, the revolution is aflame!

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The next song is Guy Sebastian - scars! tomorrow maybe

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