Help!! Help!! part two

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???: Cohran get the fu(k away from her

Cohran: Huh dad what is that in yo hand

YourDad: A gun nigga what else

Cohran: What you think you bout to do with that

YourDad: Stfu you cost my whole life nigga I had to stay in jail 20 years straight

Yn: (Crying) How did you get out

YourDad: Good behavior enough of that imma ask you a question and you better answer it or else you know what that me huh

Yn: No No Nooo (crying harder) Please dont do that

YourDad: First question do your mom have a new boyfriend?

Yn: Ye- Gco by Roc

Roc: Dont answer that

Yn: Roc help

YourDad: If you come any step closer I will blow her fu(king brains out ok

Roc: If youdont get away from her I will blow your fu(king brains out

YourDad: With what

Pookie: With this (Shot him) Na bytch

YourDad: Fuqk yall ugly bytches son help me

Corhan: No dad

YourDad: Sor- (dies)

Yn: Hello help

Roc: Oh ok

Pookie: (Throws up)

Roc: Fuqk wrong with you

Pookie: Idk I guess umm his dead body or something Idk

Yn: Well come in Pookster

Pookie: Dont ever call me that

Yn:(giggles) ok

2weeks later

Yall had went to the hospital cause Pookie had thrown up again

Pookie Pov

Doctor: So Iloni you are pregnat

Pookie: Forreal (smiles)

Doctor: Yea umm do you know the daddy

Pookie: Duh its my boyfriend who else its gone be

Doctor: Ok you can go now make an apointment ok

Pookie: Ok bye Doc

I dont now how to tell Ray me and Ray been talking about having kids for the last few days but nothing serious I was serious but I dont know about him hopes he wont be mad Ok Imma just come out and say it just say it

Ray: Soo

Pookie: Immm sick

Ray: Aww baby lets go home and talk about my mmmhmmm birthday

Pookie: (Whispers) I hope you like your suprise

Ray: Huh

Pookie: Nun but I have a suprise for you on your birthday

Ray: Oh

Yns Pov

Yn: Oh shyt Justyn

Roc: No worries hes with your mom for a couple of days and she said call her too

Yn: Ok (Calls her) hello

Beyonce: Hello baby are you alright did he do anything to you

Yn: Mom Im ok

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