P2 : If only I can

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If only I can make things goes right instead of it going to left for every single time, then i would probably say that i wanted to. I wanted to make things goes right. Even if it just a little tiny pieces of hope, still, I hope that there is a person who would understand what I'm trying to explain right now. I just wanted to be the best. The best for others. And what the best for others will be the best for me. God said so, right? 

"When you make other people happy, then you will be happy."

Isn't it? Betul tak ni? Omg tolonglah setuju dengan ayat tu hahaha. 

Um so yeah. Aku nak buat keputusan yang terbaik untuk aku dan semua orang dan untuk orang-orang yang aku sayang. 

Ha... apa dia? Give up and bagi peluang dekat orang lain? Lol never. Jangan fikir centu sebab sampai bila-bila pun aku tak akan give up. Aku bukan macam certain orang yang senang sangat nak give up. Jap jap em dulu ya hahaha (aku bodoh dulu), I thought that giving up are the best decision that I can make to make other people happy and I abandon myself just to fulfill someone's will. TAPI ITU DULU. Itu dulu. 

Now, let's just make it to be fair. Fair to myself and to everyone. Um, I don't want to give up. And if other people want the same vision that I want, then go for it. Let's just wait and see. If I win, then I'm the one who's going to be the winner. And if I lose the vision, then I will have to accept that...

"Sometimes, love means letting go"
"Cinta tidak semestinya memiliki"

Well, it sounds so cliche. Like alasan je benda tu semua. But guess what? Dah ramai orang lalui benda tu pun. Dorang lepaskan orang yang dorang sayang untuk lihat orang yang dorang sayang bahagia. Hahahaha oookay. Dari sini da kantoi aku tengah borak pasal cinta en huhuhu maap ler. I'd just love to talk about love. Jangan marah eh eh eh. Lol kalau nak marah pun terpulanglah because this is my thought. Not yours. It's my territory.

But en... I was kind of hoping that I would get some opinion from others too. Let me know if you have your own opinion about this. Even aku ni susah nak makan nasihat orang (or else we called as DEGIL NAK MAMPOS) but yeah, still, I'll try to be more open to accept your opinion. 

Oookay. Tu ja. Lol you knew what, I got 2 important test tomorrow and I'm here writing this second part just because I'm feeling so good now. And I just think that by writing, I can really express my thought well. Don't you think so? Hope, it is. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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