January 12th, 2016

10 1 2


Dear diary.. 

So, I'm currently in my journalism class. 

High school isn't everything it seems to be it's not that bad actually. You just have to find a group of people to hang out with everyday and be nice. 

At first its gonna be hard because you have to find your way around your new school but thats only if your a freshman such as myself. 

Especially when you missed orientation the week before and don't know where the hell your classes are lol. 

It's like your life depends on the 5 minutes they give you to get to class before that damn tardy bell rings and you have to get a pass to class. Then you have to explain to the person who's giving you the pass on why your late. 

At my school if your late they give you a detention slip until you get a note from your parent/guardian. 

Which is stupid as fuck if you ask me because that shit goes on your record. 

Anyways I'm in this class until 11:25am, since some of the students here are taking SOLS/finals. 

I haven't wrote in a long ass time, but this is a fresh start somewhat, I'm challenging myself to try writing every other day if I'm not busy which I never am lmao. 

Sincerely Elieana ;). 

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