Chp. 1; Meeting Evan

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First Day of 8th Grade

I walk into school with my head held high. This year is going to change. All I've ever wanted was a great life. I will meet new people & get outstanding grades. I walked farther down the hallway to find my first class. I then found it and was about to walk in when the door slammed in my face. I dropped my water bottle in the process. The kids inside were laughing at me. Eva was the one who shut the door in my face. I noticed her smirking at me & giggling a bit. I gave her a dirty look. I turned to pick up my bottle when I noticed it wasn't there.
"Looking for this?"
There was a boy smiling at me waving my water bottle around.
"Yes I am actually."
I smiled at him and he gave it to me. He was so cute & had beautiful eyes. He must be the new kid. I can't wait to see how Eva reacts to him.
Before he opened the door he turned to me and said:
"I'm Evan by the way."
Then he turned back towards the door and opened it. He held it for me and I expressed my thanks by nodding my head & smiling. When I walked in, nobody seemed to care. Then when Evan came in, everyone cared. All the girls were waving and staring at him. The guys gave him fist pumps as he went to sit down. I hope he is as nice as he was a minute ago.
Throughout class, Eva would keep trying to impress him. She'd answer a question correctly and glance at him. I cringed every time she did so. Then she turned around and looked at me. I smiled to show that I didn't care. Eva then rolled her eyes as she turned back around in her chair. The bell rang and it was time for next period. As I got out the door last, Eva was waiting there for me. She also had Claire by her side. Her & Claire are the meanest/most popular girls in the school. I didn't care about them nor did I ever want to. I looked at them with disgust. Then Eva spoke.
"So you've met the new kid hm?"
"The new kid has a name ya know?"
"Yes it's Evan I know. Don't think I'm stupid."
"Never said nor thought that but okay."
"Well please don't speak to him again. He's going to puke when he really knows you."
"I will speak to him. You can be the one to clean the puke up though."
"Ewww! You're gross. No wonder no one likes you."
She stomped away to her next period. I did the same.

3 Periods Later

It's time for lunch. As I walked down I could feel someone behind me. I turned and squeaked. It was Evan. He really scared me because I didn't think anyone would actually be there.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!"
"It's fine I'm a baby when it comes to pop-ups."
"Haha, same with me"
He smiled. I turned back around to start walking to the cafeteria. He came up next to me & walked with me.
"So.. I never caught your name..?"
"Oh sorry, my name is Ella."
"Ella..what a pretty name."
"Thank you. I like yours as well."
We got to the cafeteria and I showed him how to order food. He then went to sit with his new friends & I sat alone.
I took a bite out of my burger then there was a bang on the table. I looked and it was Eva who smacked her hands down. She looked at me like I just ate poop.
"Can I help you?" I said with my mouth full.
"Yes you can. Why did you speak to him?!?"
"He approached me ma'am."
"Don't "ma'am" me... I told you not to speak with him!"
"Oh well." I shrugged.
"Okay whatever, I'll get my revenge." She smirked.
Eva walked away strutting like she just won a beauty pageant. I rolled my eyes & started to eat my food again.
"Hey!" Evan said sitting down next to me.
"Uh hey.."
"Are you alright?"
"Yes I'm good. Eva is being a snotty brat that's all."
"What did she do?"
"She just keeps threatening me."
"Because she doesn't want me talking to you & stuff."
"Whatta snot."
"Haha yep that's her."
Eva came over then fake tripped and poured her fruit punch on me. It got all over my clothes.
"Oh I'm so sorry..."
She fake pouted at me then walked away laughing. The whole cafeteria was laughing except Evan.
"Here here, take a napkin. I'll go get more."
He brought more back & gave them to me. I went to the nurse to get new clothes. When I was about to walk out, all I saw through the nurses window was Eva flirting with Evan. Gross.

Back Home

So I just hopped off the bus from everyone laughing at me. What a first day. I climbed up my front yard tree to get to my bedroom window. I unlocked it with my key & got in. That's how I get in my house so I don't bug my mom. She's always sleeping because she works all morning & early afternoon. Then she goes back at night. I always have to look after my 4 year old brother Augustus. I changed my clothes and put the ones the nurse gave me back in a plastic bag. I then laid in bed & did my homework. Afterwards, I fell fast asleep.

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