“ Wait we can trust this guy just yet,Trey.” The pilot next to the tower said. “If you show us two reasons why we can trust you then we will talk to you at the bridge. So come out of the Knightmare Frame.” Simon yelled. “ But I can just vanished since I’m not near you.” I replied. “ I think your wrong about that. Because we are already afront of you.” Trey announced. “What?! Trey did you use your Geass again.” The pilot near the tower yelled. “ Shut the hell up, Kira.” Trey yelled. He then commanded me “Come out or we subdue your friend. We want to see who you really are.”
How did he get his hand on C.C? Wait she’s immortal, I can just them kill her and she pretend she’s dead. But that will bring physical pain to her. I can’t do that to her right? No, I can’t. But my geass allows me to cast illusion over them. Maybe I can change my appearance using my Geass. “ All right I will come out. Just hang on a minute.” I announced into the Knightmare’s speaker. I cover my face with one hand but leaving my left eye uncovered and open the hatchet. Kira then takes out her gun and aims it at me. I felt a sudden shiver up my spine as I see Simon took his knife and put it against C.C necks.
“Why are you covering your face?” Kira asked. “ Because I’m about to show you my real identity. Under my name Nio li Bodhi of Illusions, My name is Sheni, and in your mind you will install this. Also In your mind I have black long hair and blue uniform wearing black shoes.”
“Oh just a young boy eh.” Kira said. “ Wait what am I wearing?” I asked her. “It seems your wearing a blue Bodhi’s Uniform.” She answered. “Well, then Kira I need you to go back to your child hood.” I commanded. Her eyes is surrounded by a red light and she falls to the ground and smile. “Kira what worng?” He yelled. “What did you do to her?” he shouted. “Oh Nothing. By the way I need you to go to a haunted, abandon island.” I commanded. “ He scream and shout and share the same effect under my Geass like Kira. I walk over and strip any weapon that was on both of them and handed to C.C.
“Why when I used my geass they didn’t react to it.”I asked. “What do you mean?” She asked me. “Like my question is, how come they didn’t have any symptoms that show them that they were under geass?” “Well, because in your mind you wanted your geass to effect in reality. What you did now, you wanted the illusion to happen in their mind.” She answered.
I later on, touch Trey on the forehead and went inside his illusion. I see him wandering around being haunted by some ghost. “Please, Please, Please. I’m promise to help change the world.” He yelled. I then appeared to him as a man with two swords and a and wearing a Champa Uniform. “ Ghost hold his hand.” I commanded. “Trey I have a few question to ask you. How did you obtained the Power of Kings?” I asked. “How do you know about this? Who told you?” He yelled. I then took the sword and stab him in the stomach. “You will answer by question. How did you obtain Geass?” I asked again. He then resisted and called me a stalker. “My guards tie him to the cross.” The ghost turn to angels and they did as what I command. “Take the hot coal from the bushes and place it in his hand.” I commanded. “Wait I’ll answer your question. A man name John gave me it. I have no idea what happen to him please let me go.”He pleaded. “I have one more question. Who is with you on your little rebellion?” I asked. He replied, “ Why does that matter?” “Angels take the hoat coal and place it in his hand. I took another sword and pierce it through his legs. He then let out a loud noise and confess, “All right they all live under the Tibetan Buddhist Palace.” “Thank You.”
I was then back to reality and released my geass. Kira is still lying on the ground sleeping through those great childhood she had. On the other hand Trey had suffer many karmas. I then watch him on the ground eyes wide open and shaking non-stop. I then leave and was at schoo.

Code Geass: Nio the Creator of Illusion
Fanfiction700 years ago Emperor Lelouch vi Britainia gave the world peace and try to brighten the future. But he didn't know that the future will contain more hatred then the past. A.D. 2717, A new world is created. North American mange to free itself from Gr...