Chapter One

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Percy P.O.V
"Baby you have to hide, go hide somewhere where he won't find you." Said Mommy.
She had tears streaming down her face.
We then heard footsteps coming towards us.
"Go baby go! I love you I always will, always have no matter where I go or what happens to me I love you." cried mommy who was now sobbing.
"I love you too mommy." Giving her, her last hug and kiss she will ever receive and the last time I saw her.
She then pushed me to go hide and I did.
I hid in the cupboard all the way on top since he usually looks on the bottom and he doesn't know I can climb.
I heard my mommy's screams echo through the walls, then it all stopped. I then heard Gabe my stepdad walking into the kitchen I held my breath. I looked through the crack and saw my mommy being dragged into the kitchen she was still breathing because I could hear her shallow breathes. Gabe then grabbed a knife and my eyes widen before I knew it I saw my mom on the floor, lifeless with a huge gash on her neck. I must have shrieked because then Gabe looked in my direction and grabbed me.

He grabbed me by the neck making it hard to breathe, then he started punching me. He told me he will never in the face because he said people could see the bruises there. He punched me in the stomach, then he threw me on the floor and then stepped on my arm, I heard a deafening crack from it, it felt as if my arm were on fire I then knew it was broken.

After that, he threw me on my bed and left. I immediately left that place into the streets.

3 days later
My arm was broken, I'm cold, hungry and tired. But I had to keep going he could get me. People rarely noticed me probably because I travel at night.

One night I was walking down the street, when this guy came up to me, he grabbed my arm and started pulling me, of course, it hurts a lot because I didn't go to the doctor to check it out all I knew is that it was broken
"Let's go kid!" Growled the man.

I recognized him as one of Gabe's poker friends.

"No, leave me be helped! Help someone help please!" I yelled.
As soon I yelled the last word I was hit in the face with a fist. My nose was bleeding furiously.
"Help" I croaked out.
Just then I felt the man's grip on me fall, and I looked and saw him on the ground. I looked up and saw a man in black, it seemed as if the shadows clung to him.
"S-stay a-away from mm-me!" I stuttered.
"Come here boy let me check your face and arm." He said gently.
"No I I I said stay away from me!" I yelled.
He just sighed and snapped his fingers, just then three skeletons came from nowhere and grabbed me. One grabbed my left arm and the other grabbed my right. The third one sat me on its lap. I screamed and thrashed trying to get free.

"Stop young one you will hurt yourself like that, I just need to check you and that's it."
He came forward and inspected my arm, he had a sad look in his eyes, he then wiped the blood off my face and made the bleeding stop.

"Whats your name young one?"
"P-Percy Jackson sir."

"I see your mother taught you manners my boy, and my name his Hades." I flinched at mother.

"Let me call a friend to heal you okay?" I nodded.

Hades p.o.v
I was taking a walk through the mortal world to clear my head, when I heard screaming, I looked for the source and saw a man holding a young boy. The man then hit the boy and I do not tolerant adults hitting kids like that. So I sent a skeleton to fight him, it worked he was out cold. I then went to go check on the boy, his face was bloody and his arm seems to be broken, yet he's not crying like a little boy should be crying, there were only a few tears, most little boys had streams of tears. It's either, he is used to pain or is a demigod, but even demigods can't handle that much pain unless they are children of the big three. But the oath...

Anyways I tried to check the boy's arm but he won't let me so I called a couple skeletons to keep him still but to not hurt him.

I cleaned his face from the blood and when I saw his face he looked so familiar, he oh my he looks like my brother Poseidon. No, it can't be, he would have to break the oath.

I looked at his arm and saw it was broken, and this was heartbreaking he is such a little boy I say no more than three, four. I told the boy whose name is Percy Jackson to wait while I call a friend and when I mean a friend, I mean Apollo.
"Apollo I need your help I want you to heal this boy and tell me if he is a demigod."
"Got it, uncle!"

Apollo flashed before me and Percy.
Then Percy started panicking I guess from Apollos sudden appearance. Percy looked as if he is concentrating and the skeleton turned to dust. What?! How?!

Only the most powerful demigod can control and inhabit other gods powers, but this kid is only four and we don't even know if he is a demigod. We heard that a demigod with amazing strength will be born but so soon?

He quickly ran to me and hid behind me. Well, then I guess he likes me.

I knelt before him and said, "Percy, this is my friend he is going to help you feel better okay, his name is Apollo."
"Okay" then he grabbed my hand I was shocked at first but quickly recovered.
"Awww hades does have a heart." Apollo cooed.
I sent a shadow over there to punch him, and I looked at Percy to see a small very small smile and this made me smile.

"Apollo just check him."
"On it"
As Apollo moved forward to examine Percy he moved back. I picked him up so he won't move and Apollo could check him. Apollo touched his arm and Percy screamed in pain as his bones snapped back into place. He had a few tears running down his face.

I glared at Apollo. "Why did it hurt him," I growled.
"Yo I'm sorry okay the bones needed to be snapped together, gods. Here Percy have a lollipop." He said giving Percy a lollipop. Percy's eyes brighten and he had a smile on his face. He looked at me as if asking permission and I nodded.

I set him down so he can have his treat.

"Here have some more!"
I look down and saw Percy sitting on a pile of candy eating it.

"Apollo you are going to get him sick!"
"Oh sorry, but on the bright side he's  a demigod, well I guess that is not bright but still."
Great, he's a demigod, demigod have a tough life I sighed.
"We should probably take him to his dad or mom."
At this Percy looked up and yelled. "No don't take me back please hades, just leave me here I don't want to go back with Gabe."
"Whos Gabe?" I asked.
"My stepdad he hurt my mommy and now she's sleeping forever!" He wailed.
"What was her name son?" I asked.

"Sally Jackson."
"Sally Jackson step forward please."  I shouted out.
Just then I saw a woman.
"Oh, Percy! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too mommy are you going to wake up now?"
"No baby I can't."
Percy had tears streaming down his face.
"But but mommy remember you said we were going to go to the park, and the beach and."
"I know baby and we will when it is your time. When I see you again we will okay?"
"I promise."
"Sally who is his father?"
"I'm sorry hades I can't say for it will put my boy in danger."
"Percy your mom needs to go now she can only stay for so long."
"Noo mommy please stay I love you and I'll be a good boy if you stay!" Yelled Percy.

"I'm sorry baby, I can't I love you so very much, make me proud Percy! You will always be my little boy, here." She gave Percy a locked with her and Percy in there, and a photo album of them together.

"Bye Percy I love you." She said and then faded.
Percy broke down.
I comforted him and transported to my realm. I played him down and he soon fell asleep.
"Hades you need to do something with him," said Apollo. I almost forgot he was here.

"I am going to find out who his father is and I might adopt him."

"But Hades what if they want Percy?"
"Well they can't have him, plus it's really up to Percy and who he wants to stay with."

Well, here's my new story hope you like it and if I didn't mention it Percy is four years old.

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