The Other Side of the Portal - Prologue

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As I stood watching my incredible machine burst into flames, all I could think of was the events that finally brought me to my breaking point.

Toupe had told me in the beginning to never start this impossible project, but I didn't listen and that had cost me my sanity as well as many people's lives.

I thought about the many screams I had heard the last couple of weeks while I sat locked away in my study waiting to wake up from this nightmare that surely couldn't be real life. But I pinched myself many times and nothing had happened, I would open my eyes and still be standing in the same spot, looking at my portal to the next realm.

I, Russet Duke, a graduate of Harvard University and a highly ranked scientist had caused a paranormal apocolypse and now it was up to me to try and put the pieces back together in my shattered life.

I kneeled down and looked at the picture of me and my girlfriend Toupe, her long dark hair and piercing greens eyes looking at the picturized image of myself grinning stupidly. Standing it no longer I threw the picture down and saw a shimmering out of the corner of my eye.

It was the ring I had bought five weeks ago when I planned on telling Toupe about my discoveries and then afterwards proposing to her. The shinning diamonds caught the lights of the faltering machine and flashed back a milion different colors all about the room.

I had to find her.

Picking up my messenger bag and smoothing my short brown hair back into it's original place, I walked to the door, opening it to see a ghost flickering in and out of sight.

A/N Toupe is NOT pronounced Topuee, just Tou-pe (long "O").. alot of my friends that read this ask that, so I'm just clrifying if you didn't know that before:)

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