I Forgot Your Name. Can I Just Call You Mine? [3]

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...........................*cowering in corner* I'm so sorry guys. I did not realize that it's been a month since I uploaded. I just... wow. I can't believe it. I'm so so so so so so so so sorry. I just come up with a blank when I think of what I wanna write. I don't want this story to move too fast. I mean, I like to keep it real. So, yeah. I'm so sorry. I hope this is long enough for  you guys. Again, sorry. D: >>>>>NEW COVER!! :D

I Forgot Your Name. Can I Just Call You Mine?


"So what exactly is there to do in this hick town?" a voice called from my door, startling me. I immediately jumped up from where I had been sitting leaning against Sophie's bed and wiped a tear that had fallen from my eye before facing Jesse.

"Well, for starters, there's school, which we have to get to, like, now." I said in a 'duh' tone.

He smirked at me, as if he saw through everything, everything I buried deep, everything I tried to hide, then walked out of the room, just like that. I gaped at the door for a few seconds, before glancing back down at the photograph that was still in my hand. I miss her... There's a reason I hate the city, and there's gotta be a reason that Jesse hates the country. I shook my head to clear my flustered feelings and put the photograph back in my diary, right on the same page it's been. I couldn't forget her; I wouldn't. I sighed to myself. School started in an hour. Guess I better go get ready.

I walked over to the clothes I had in here and picked out overalls and a white long sleeved shirt to go underneath. I put on black converse low tops and brushed my hair. I didn't wear makeup, didn't want to. I was ready to go. I put my binder in my bag and grabbed my lunch money from my wallet. Mom was already gone out to the farm, which was a few miles down the road, and dad was with her. I usually rode the bus with Sophie to school everday. And now, Jesse is riding with us. Great.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed an apple, heading out the door, but stopping when I heard Jesse come up behind me, as Sophie was already out and waiting by the bus stop for the bus. I turned and saw him looking at me with widened eyes. I waved my hand in front of his face and he seemed to snap out of it.

"Are you really wearing... that?" He asked me in surprise.

I raised my eyebrows and looked down at the overalls. "What's wrong with it?" I asked.

He shook his head and muttered to himself, "This is so ironic,"

I didn't question what he meant, and just walked out the door, coming up behind Sophie and wrapping my arms around her shoulders. I know lots of people don't like their little sisters, but I love mine. When you have a big age difference like ours, it's hard to not like each other. I sighed as Jesse joined us in the wait.

Sophie's bus arrived first, and she blew me and Jesse a kiss before getting on. I waved goodbye and then waited for my bus.

When the high school bus pulled up, all the girls drooled at Jesse. I rolled my eyes as he winked at them all and I walked to sit in the back with Craig. Taylor was also my friend, and we'd been through so much together, but she didn't go to the same school as me and Craig. She had blonde hair usually pulled in braids and green eyes. Craig was my other best friend. He was gay, but I didn't have a problem with it. He had brown hair and pretty brown eyes. I loved him. He was the only one who knew why I hated the city.

As I sat next to him, he must've noticed my gloomy expression, because he softly asked, "You saw the photo again, didn't you?"

I bit my lip to keep from crying again and nodded. He cooed and wrapped his arms around me and I pressed my face into his chest. I saw Jesse staring at me intently, while girls climbed over him, but I chose to ignore him.


"Why were you so upset on the bus?" was the first thing out of Jesse's mouth as I stepped off the bus and seperated from Craig. I kept walking.

"No reason." I replied.

He followed behind me. "No one cries for no reason." he said.

I sighed in frustration. "Well, I do. So accept it and leave me alone!"

He shook his head, now right next to me. "No, I can't do that, Ashton."

"Why not?!"

"Look, I just don't see why you can't just tell me why you were so upset!"

"It's none of your goddamn business, so just shut the Hell up and leave. Me. Alone!" I screeched, and stomped away.


I watched open-mouthed as everyone stared after Ashton. I really don't blame them. I've only known Ashton for a day, and I know for sure that she doesn't cuss. So... was it my fault? Did I drive her to it? Am I really that bad? I shook my head. No, Jesse, you don't care. You don't care what girls think of you.

I put my player mode back on and walked into the school, smirking confidently.

I don't care.

So, yeah. Not that long. And ooh, what do you think Ashton was so upset about in the photograph? What's the photo of? I actually never planned this, it just came to me right now. But, yeah. I so hope you love this. I actually kinda like this one. You get to see a crack in that tough exterior of Ashton's and get to see what she thinks of Sophie and how hard her life is and how she hides it. So, yeah. Comment, vote, fan, etc!! :D

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