Chapter 1

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Anna POV

"Anna!"said my mum," Get up or you'll be late for school".
"Mum!," I groaned, "Give me five more minutes".
" No,it's your first day of high school ",said Mum

That means I can see Jack today!

" Okay, I will be down in a few",I said to her.
I got up,entered my walk-in closet and chose to wear q hot-pink galloon lace bandeau and a skater skirt with black wedges.
I went downstairs and into my mum's kitchen.
"Good morning, mum", I said
" Good morning, darling",she says as she puts on a plate a stack of pancakes with syrup.
"Thanks,Mum", I said with a mouthful
My mum started laughing like a maniac.
I tiptoed away from her and grabbed my car keys.
I entered my Audi SUV which was black.
I drove to school listening to "Drag Me Down" by One Direction.
As I got down,I felt eyes on me at every direction.
I entered school and met up with my friends:Dylan,Annie and Jack G.

I have been having feelings for Jack but I never told him because I am scared of getting rejected.

Thank you all for the reads I have.

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