The Castle

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"f-father" i questioned he saved us how well i know how his trident but why?

"Maria it's been a while" he exclaimed the tension raised through the water.

"4 years" i replied he swam forward, blue eyes searched for answers. Then shockingly he embraced me which i was taken by father never showed any emotion to me after mother died, who does he think he is he might be the king but he will never be my father again forcing someone into marriage was just selfish. Before i could respond to this sudden display of affection he pulled away.

"Majesty told me what happened so i want to take you home the boy's are welcome to the castle" he spoke worriedly but i just stood or floated in my case there not moving, so i looked over to the boys who looked flustered, they caught sight of my stare ad shrugged.

"Father thank you, but i only wish to use the library for clues" his face is blank before he nods understandingly.

He gestured for the boys to follow him so we began the swim but suddenly father stopped and held something out in his cold pale hand to the boys they grabbed what looked like seaweed, before giving my father he confused WTF look. He shook his head clearly annoyed.

"eat this and you can breathe underwater" he shot so the lad's cautiously took off their masks and swallowed the weed their faces had gone red like a starfish which caused me to crack up, i cleared my throat making my way to Zayn grabbed his cold cheeks with my small palms as he looked like he was going redder uhh must be lack of oxygen. So i did the most grown up thing i could think of pushed on his cheeks causing him to make farting bubble noises his eye's widened unintentionally swiping a breathe. Then the idiot realized it was true he opened his mouth.

"guy's-um we can breathe it's okay" he said still astounded by this change soon the rest of the boys had followed taking off their masks. I swam towards father as we set off again the boy's quicker now they had ditched their wet suites but thank god they had shorts.

"Maria i hope you're careful you know what will happen if the gates open?" he said i slowed my pace my tail swished against the current.

"yes but people i care about are on the line for kelp's sake Micheal ad Sebastian are being held captive by our kidnappers their lives are more important than mine" his mouth opened in protest but broke eye contact. I remembered the lad's and saw them about tickling each other i smiled to myself.

"hurry up guy's or we'll leave you to the sharks" i stated swimming faster i could hear them flailing their arms faster to catch up my dad started in hysterics.

"lad's don't listen to her she's just teasing any way as long as Maria's here nothing will harm you all sea creatures are friends with her it's due to her gift" he replied they were cut off from themselves as the castle came into view there was my home, my birth right the place i ran away from i sighed.

The castle stood tall and proud shrouded in visions of green and blue the gates stood firm as if nothing could break them this was the strongest kingdom out of the seven. The walls of the palace were decorated with large glistening pearls reflecting the sun breaking through the waves. 

"welcome to Triton"

*In the castle*

I showed the boy's to their room's each shared it was Niall, Harry in one room Zayn, Liam in another and Louis is sleeping on my spare bed which is now set up on the other side of my room. I gazed around my room remembering the times i used to play hide and seek with Micheal and Sebastian could never find us. My room was made from blue and purple coral, a wardrobe made from a shell, my bed had a seaweed mattress with fabrics to make the bedding yes we have fabric but it's water proof so it's easier to swim through the water my bed was covered with pearls and sea shells. Louis had a mattress and some blankets since he's not used to the under current climate.

"Maria thanks for letting me bunk with you" Louis thanked as he sat on the edge of my bed i looked at him and smiled.

"don't worry we should meet the boy's in the library i will have Ivan go retrieve them at once" i said as the shells clattered, a young man opened my door i recognized his green tail his face lit up once he saw me i swam to him and dived into his arms so strong and comfortable and before you ask he's 18 younger than me by a year i would never date him he's like a brother to me always looked after me as i got into trouble a lot ,even though he was younger he was bossier so i had to listen to him but we had our own fun hehehe.

"I've missed you Maria belle i was worried sick don't ever do that again" he moaned his green eye's sparkled which showed he was just pretending to be angry so father is happy.

"i'm sorry kelp muncher" i giggled he hates it when i call him that, he flicks his blonde hair in annoyance as he released me.

"so who is this?" he questioned looking grudgingly at Louis scanning his human appendages. 

"um this is Louis a good friend so play nice or i'll take mittens away from you" oh that's his teddy bear i know he still has it lol.

"nooooooooooooo okay fine" he nod's at Louis who is staggered with confusion oh yeah.

"Louis this is Ivan who will now fetch the other boy's nicely and take them to the library" Ivan glares at me before vanishing into the hallway.

"who was that?" Louis asked.

"oh Ivan he was my baby sitter even though i'm older i used to get into trouble so he had to keep an eye on me" i spilled then i remembered the library so i grabbed his hand and dragged him turbo speed out of the door into the hallway. Moon crystals lit up the hallway glowing against the ember walls and red coral floor. The moon crystals are what we use as light because you don't need to be a mer person to discover water and fire are not good together so we charge the crystals at night from the moon storing their energy.

 "we are here" i spoke coming to a stop Louis snatched his hand away rubbing it oops ah oh well what a blubber fish. I opened the huge golden doors showing the spectacular sight of the best place on earth no not a garden even though those are pretty but the library i swam quickly to the shelves i was surrounded by books from all over the world you could not ruin the smile that was on my face right now.

"Maria the boy's are here" i heard Louis yell i ignored him as i slowly grazed my fingers over my books not a spec of dust i really need to thank the maids. My vision was blurred as a stupid hand waved in front of my face i turned angrily to see Niall so i just smiled which he returned.

"stultus" i grinned he smiled not knowing what i said when growing up i had to learn Latin which came in handy in the human world so you could insult someone without them knowing.

"um okay what did you just say" he raised an eyebrow.

"hmm let me try a different language ilíthios" i said he raised his head.

"hey don't call me stupid especially not in another language it's a good thing that's the only word i knew in Greek" i pouted doing puppy eyes he started to look guilty so i kissed his cheek and walked away yes sass master from Triton boom.

"guy's start looking for anything on legends of the ring of fortuna" i said looking through shelf after shelf, this was going to be a long night.

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