Andy Biersack's Quotes

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I love BVB haha so I decided to make this with just Andy's quotes. I'll try to do a book for each of the members. Who is your favorite member of BVB? Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, CC, or Jake?


"Live your life. Listen to your music way too loud, be as crazy and as "different" as you want to be and always remember you're not alone."

"Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in"

"Stand up for what you believe in even if it means standing alon."

"People who say things to you about the way you look and the way you dress, they have nothing more to their lives. That all they do, and you have something MORE in you!"

"I had a goal, I had a dream, and at the end of the day no matter what people say to you, as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters."

"There's absolutely no one in the world that can tell you can't do something. You're the only person that can set that limitation."

"Life isn't about how popular you are, what girl or boy you're dating, or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts, and our minds. This is the reason we sing, this is the reason we cry, this is why we live."

"Always stay strong on who you are and believe in yourself"

"As we grow up we learn that even the person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it gets harder every time. You'll break hearts to, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing to fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love, so take many pictures, laugh to much and love like you've never been hurt because ever sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back."

"Everybody feels these moments of sadness and moments of loss and sometimes I think everybody can relate to sitting alone and feeling like crap and a friend of yours comes up starts like, you know, 'Come on, feel happy,' and you don't want that. Sometimes its alright to let yourself live in a moment and let yourself be upset about something and so that you can show yourself that regardless of how low you feel, you can always rise out of it, but not in that moment. And so the song ends with the lyric, 'I believe we all fall down' but I don't say 'but we get back up'. It's just, sometimes you fall down and sometimes you feel low, and that's okay."

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