"GET IN!" Barry screamed."Wait, what?! What's going on?!" I yelled as I jumped in the car.
Samantha sat in the back seat jumping up and down excitedly.
"Okay, What the fuck is is happening?" I questioned.
"There's a virus spreading rapidly to open wounds. And we need to get out of here." Samantha said seriously. This is the first I've seen her this happy in a long time.
Barry looked back at us excitedly, as he jabbed the keys into the ignition.
"Am I the only one who's not catching on?!" I asked freaking out a little.
Barry turned his head back to us at the speed of light. "It's a zombie apocalypse!!" He cheered.
"WHAT?!" I felt tears beginning to start up in my eyes. "What about our families?! What about-"
"Shut up. We're fine, and everyone will be fine. They're getting the citizens out of the infected area. Chill out. Everyone will be okay." Sam said, as she hit me in the shoulder.
"Guys, shut up for a second." Barry turned up the volume to the radio. The reporters voice rang through the stolen hummer.
"We've safety retrieved all the Hamilton citizens away from the virus that started nearby in Burlington. The quarantine is nearly finished. Don't fret. This is all under control now."
"What?! Quarantine?!" I shouted. Barry turned down the radio.
"We're fucked." He mumbled.
"They clearly didn't do a good job quarantining the place!! They're probably others still left too." Sam said.
"I just hope Veda's okay.." She sighed."Eh, she's probably dead." Barry shrugged.
"BARRY!" Sam screamed.
"Well, I mean, he has a point. If she hasn't gotten infected, she's probably shot herself." I added softly.
"FELICITY!!" She added.
"Woo.. Okay. I need to brush this off." I sighed.
"Chill out, Fel. We just need to loot, and I know just the place." Barry stepped on the gas and we zoomed through the city road. For some godforsaken reason, I calmed down.. Kind of.
"Dude, how the hell am I supposed to calm down when we're basically trapped in a city with zombies?!"
"Uh, I don't know. Sam, you help her."
"If you don't calm the hell down right now, I'll bash you across the head with my fist."
"Calm. Calm. I'm calm." I ended up sitting still. Shaking just a little bit. Soon enough the rain water started to pour.
"Annnd were out of gas." The car halted to a stop in the middle of nowhere.
"What?" I asked.
"Get out. We're walking. The Canadian tire is about a mile from here." Barry said.
"Pop the trunk." Samantha said.