5. Parties

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Zayn drove up to the house, and I could already see the overly drunk teens pouring out of every part of the house. I looked over at Zayn seeing that he seemed excited to be here, as to where I on the other hand would have much rather had been at home watching Netflix. (No chilling involved) 

I slowly got out  of the car walking inside with Zayn trying to hear what he was telling me over the loud music that was bouncing off of the walls. I looked around hearing the mindless chatter of teenagers before making my way with Zayn to the back. I looked over my shoulder seeing that he had already caught the attention of a few girls and decided that I wouldn't bother him. It's my first party in a new place, I need to have some fun. 

I find the kitchen among the bodies seeing that there aren't as many people in here. I walk towards the keg grabbing myself a cub and pouring myself a drink. I take a small sip of it and nearly spit it back out into the cup. This isn't beer, and whatever the hell it is I don't want it. I throw the cup away in the trash and stand there for a moment thinking about what I should do. I could go dance, but then again I hate dancing. I could go outside, but I'm not a stoner. I could go upstairs, but I don't plan on fucking anyone. 

Looks like my best bet is to stay put in this kitchen. 


I sat up on the kitchen counter scrolling through my twitter reading the latest update from some accounts. Nothing good that I had any particular interest in but it beat sitting here staring at the paint dry on the walls. For a moment I think about leaving Zayn, but that's not the nice thing to do. 

"Niall?" I look to my left seeing Harry standing there with a red plastic cup in his head. He sends me a lazy smile and I can tell that the curly haired idiot in front of me is hammered. 

"Hi drunkie" I chuckle and he stumbles over to me nearly falling into my lap. 

"I..." He hiccups. "Am not drunk"  

I roll my eyes as his head crashes into my shoulder and he lets out a giggle. I lift my hand running my fingers through his hair for some reason. He let's out a hum of appreciation and I look down at him. "Are you here alone?" 

"Louis is here somewhere..." He mumbles

"You need to get home" 

"Take me home then" He says his lips extremely close to my ear and I laugh a little. He's not going to remember any of this tomorrow. I nod a little agreeing to take him home. I jump down from the counter and grab hold of his upper arm pulling him out of the kitchen. I should look for Zayn to tell him that I'm leaving, but I'm almost certain that he's having so much fun he's forgotten I even exist at this point. 

I help Harry outside and as soon as his feet hit the pavement he tumbles over into a bush. I place my hand over my mouth trying to keep my laughter in but fail. Horribly. "Harry get up!" He rolls out of the bush and I bend down pulling him off of the ground. I nearly drag him to my car and put him in the backseat. "If you throw up I will fuck you up" 

"I don't throw up" He says seriously and I roll my eyes pulling out of the drive way. 

"Are you sober enough to tell me what your address is?" I ask looking back at him through the mirror. When I don't get an answer I can already tell that he's fallen fast asleep. Of course he has. This is where being nice gets me. I look at my watch seeing that my mom would be leaving for work in about 20 minutes meaning that I could possibly sneak Harry inside.

I pull over to the side of the road typing in my address since I was on the other side of the road. The wind whips against the windows and I feel as though I hear something scratching against the glass. I ignore it and pull back into the road following the directions getting myself home. It took about half an hour and as I pulled up to my house I could see that there were no lights on in the house. 

I admit that I'm a bit scared that every time I pulled into my driveway I feared that something would happen but luckily I had only been confronted by that...thing once. I get out of the car opening the door pulling on Harry's hair, making him whine...or was that a moan...I didn't mean to do that. 

"Harry wake up" 

"That woke me up" He says into the seat cushion and I shake my head watching as he sat up. "Where are we?" He looks around noticing that he's never been here before. 

"My house...You fell asleep before I could get your address to take you home" He yawns a little getting out of the car shutting the door behind him. He looks up at my house and I lead him to my front door unlocking the door. I open the door and walk inside and slowly he follows me. "I can sleep on the couch..." 

"I can take the couch, thanks for this" He cuts me off slipping his beanie off his head placing it on the side table near the door. 

"No problem...If you need anything just let me know" I bite down on my bottom lip knowing that this was a lot more awkward than I had planned on it being. I can't lie and say that he wasn't attractive because he was, and he's in my house which makes thinking with him here so much harder. I turn on my heel and walk up the stairs going into my room. I shut the door behind me leaning my back up against it. 

For a moment I take a few deep breathes before tugging my shirt over my head. I change my clothes slipping into a pair of sweats and a plain tee. I sit down on my bed and look through my book bag pulling out the book.  I decide to spend my time reading up on werewolves and the more and more I read the less I believe that any of this is possible. I'm not a kid, I don't believe in shit like this anymore. At least I shouldn't. 

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