Lay Me Down

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But what do we do now?

Louis' voice echoed in Harry's head. Harry sat there for a few minutes without saying a word.

Honestly, Harry didn't know what to do. All he was certain of is that he wanted Louis all to himself. But there were too many people too many different outcomes if the boys when public.

"Hazza, I need to tell you something and please don't freak out. Because if you do I won't be comfortable telling you other things",Louis says. Harry nods. Bracing himself for the words Louis is about to speak but he never expected this.

"Niall was the one who raped me and beat me up",Louis whispers.
Harry's eyes widen. He tries to calm himself down but he is so angry he would probably kill Niall. No probably, that prick was going to pay.

Harry takes a deep breath. Louis expected Harry to go crazy even though he asked him not to.

And this shocked Louis but in a good way. Louis was so used to screaming and shouting and he hated it but Harry didn't do that. He controlled himself for Louis. And this made Louis so happy.

Harry on the other hand is struggling to control himself. He just wants to punch Niall in his face beat him as bad as he did his precious Louis. Or worst, yeah worst. Harry then feels cold snake bits on his chin and soft lips on his.

Harry feels all the anger fall away from him. He feels relaxed. Harry feels Louis' bum on his lap. Louis didn't break the kiss. Louis tangles his hands in Harry's curls. Harry grabs Louis' bum causing a moan to escape Louis' mouth.

Harry starts peppering Louis' neck with kisses. Harry places a soft kiss on Louis lips before Louis goes to look for something in his Blazer pocket.

"I-um had got you something , just in case you came tonight. I remember you telling me a story about your dad and I thought this would  be a nice gift. I mean I know its nothing big but-",Louis rambles.

Harry notices that when Louis is nervous he over talks. Every second Harry was finding more and more cute little things about Louis and he loves it.

"Louis,  I am sure I will love it. What is it?",Harry questions smiling. Louis pulls out a beautiful Flower Crown out his pocket very similar to the one his dad destroyed.

Harry was touched by this small action. Very touched, no one had ever did something this nice for him.

"I know it's ugly",Louis whispers with sadness filling his words. "No,  no Louis it's beautiful! I love it! Thank you so much... Really you don't know how much this means to me",Harry responds.

Louis' eyes brighten and a smile creeps onto his face. Louis places the Crown on Harry's head. Louis looks at Harry with the Flower Crown on.

Harry had a dimpled smile on his face, his eyes where bright in happiness and he was glowing. Harry is beautiful.

It has been so long since Harry wore a flower crown. All the happy memories he had from his childhood. All the times him and his mother baked, all the times he read his favorite book and played dress up with his sister all the happy memories he had forgotten about came rushing back to him the second Louis put the flower crown on Harry's head.

Harry just closed his eyes and remembered all the happiness he once had.

It felt so good to finally be the person he loved and it was Louis. Louis is the one who helps Harry be himself.

Louis just admires how good and happy Harry looks.

"How do I look?",Harry questions opening his eyes.

"Perfect",Louis responds. Harry smiles. Louis kisses Harry's lips.
"I have my tattoos and piercings and you have your flower crown",Louis whispers.

"Louis, I want to take you on a date. But I need you to hear me out",Harry says. Louis nods.

"I have a plan, as much as I hate Niall I think it will be best if you stay with him. To make him happy which makes us happy. Because if Niall isn't angry that means your safe. I will stay with Taylor and Niall and Taylor will become our cover stories. While we have a secret relationship. And we won't keep us a secret forever but just until it's safe to come out",Harry says.

Louis stops to think for a moment. It was actually a good plan. And he got to be with Harry. Louis smiles and holds Harry's hand. "That's great",Louis responds.

"Louis, this is going to be hard. You and I. And I just want to make sure we are on the same page. I want you to know no matter what happens in the future. I only want you. And that's it just you, Louis Tomlinson",Harry responds rubbing Louis back.

Louis smiles. He always wanted to be wanted. He never thought that it would feel this good this amazing this perfect. And then to be wanted by someone he wanted to was just a cherry on top of the Harry cake.

"I want you too Harry. And I really am ready to fight for us. I know I tend to run when things get to hard but I have never wanted anything more in my life. I am not going anywhere... I promise",Louis responds.

Hiya!!! So, I am going to be double updating today and soon I am going to be doing a Character Ask for Strip Me of My Badness and Goth and Girly.

So you guys can send me questions on my profile and in the comments for the charters.

I am really excited to do a Charter Ask so please send me questions!
You can have questions for:
Henry(He in S.M.O.M.B)
Niall(He is in Strip Me Of My Badness)
And any other characters I didn't mention!


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