Pizza Man

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Disclaimer - I don't own the walking dead

------------No one's POV

A few years before the out break , when every one was normal and didn't have to kill the dead . Glenn was called out to a small city near Atlanta ,for an order of 3 pizzas . He got the pizza's , loaded up his car and headed towards his destination . 

-------------Glenn's POV

I watched the road as I drove down the free way . I looked at the piece of paper that had the address of the house I was delivering to , this was the place . I turned down the gravel road , it looked like there were a few people over , that explained the amount of pizzas . I stepped out of the car with the pizzas and knocked on the door . 

A girl with short brown hair answered the door . She said something but I didn't hear her , I was lost in thought for a moment . Like déjà vu, it was strange I'd never met her before but it seemed that I knew her . "Hello?" she waved her hand in front of my face ,"Anyone home?". "Sorry , that will be $8.96." 

"Thanks, bye." she said as she took the pizzas and handed me the money . I got in the car and drove back to the pizza delivery station . The whole night I kept thinking of the girl with short brown hair . 

"Dude , hey are you listening to me ?" I looked at the guy sitting next to me,  he annoyed me ."Yeah" "Good , as I was saying . She was all like ---". I stopped listening and started to think of the girl again, why would she not leave my mind . I only interacted with her for 2 minutes ,so why was she the center of my thoughts?

----------------Maggie's POV

My dad was on a fishing trip and my sister was staying over with her friend . I invited some friends over and ordered 3 pizzas . I pulled out some cups and 2 liters and set them on the counter , I turned on the tv and waited . Soon the door bell rang and a few of my girlfriends came in . We watched some tv and waited on the pizza .

Someone knocked on the front door , I looked out the window and there stood this cute Asian pizza guy. I went to the door and answered it. The guy was about to say something but stopped , he just stared at my face . I studied his face , cute , the one thing that ran through my head. My stomach grumbled once I smelt the pizza , effectively knocking me out of my thoughts . "Hello?Anyone home?" I said waving my hand in front of his face . "Sorry , that'll be $8.96" I handed him the money and took the pizzas. 


That whole night I thought about the pizza man , I wasn't scared of not seeing him again , but almost content that I saw him. "Maggie, Earth to Maggie" one of my friends said waving her hand in front of my face .'' Sorry , I was thinking about something ." "Something or Someone?" she asked ."something, lets watch the movie."

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