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"STUDENTS! GO TO THE 'PAC' AT ONCE" The principle announced from the microphone. The 'PAC' is practically an assembly room, but i forgot what it stand for. I looked around at my best friends around the classroom. Carlos caught my eye first but that makes sense since he's across from me. He has a blond down to red natural ambre with his hair that goes down to the middle of his neck. He always wears an expensive jean jacket with a fluffy, white and brown, rabbit fur. He has brownish-hazel eyes matched with a bright, sky blue, gem necklace.

The next person that caught my attention was Stella. She has dirty blond hair that goes about 2 1/2 inches past her shoulders, matched with some greening-brown eyes. She always brings her stuffed animal, cat named 'Mom.' She named it that because its her only memory of her mom before she died in a car crash when she was 3.

Then next to Stella is Nickolas. He has an ambre like Carlos but its flipped and Nickolas has an extra color (brown), but it makes sense because their brothers. Anyway, he has blue eyes and carries a nice, canon, camera around everywhere he goes; well makes sense because he is in the photography club and wants to be a photographer when he grows up. He goes to my aunt for some advise because she is a photographer for weddings, birthdays, and other stuff like that. Today, he's wearing a thin, blue jean flannel.

Sitting next to Stella, is an emo named mat. He has black hair and dark, dark, brown eyes and really pale skin. He always wears black and is usually has his hood up, but the teacher, Ms. Volk, gets mad andmakes him take it off during class. He gets annoyed in his head. I this because he tells me almost everyday.

We all stood up and got into a single file line to head out of the building, into another. My last 2 other good friends are named Mya and Ashley and they have been best friends since the beginning of time itself. Mya is a sweet, caring, and innocent looking young girl. She has brown hair and always wears a blue bow in her hair. Today, she's wearing a pretty, blue flowing blouse and some bell-bottom jeans. She has pretty hazleish eyes and is thin.

Ashley dies her hair a lot, it reminds me of Michael Clifford from 5 seconds of summer (your welcome Goombagirl16). But, right now, her hair is a light purple. Today she is wearing a purplish black tang top with a pretty a sketchy heart neclase, like always. She has beautiful, bright blue eyes that everyone complements on and everyone wants, but she doesn't, really, appreciate them as much as everyone else does.

While walking along the building, i saw a bunch of glass for the buildings walls. I could see the reflection of my good friends in front of me, my other classes mates, and a girl that looks younger than she really is (if you first saw her, you might think she was in 5th grade, but once you know what grade, you realize that she looks like who she is). Well, that girl is me. My name is Bree East, and I am in 7th grade; not 5th, not 6th. 7th. Anyway, I has really long (down to my knees), really blonde hair that could be mistaken for gray or whitish blonde (more white) hair in the sun. I have light brown eyes, gone with tanish pale skin. I usually wear a bow with about 3 white, fake flowers on it. My great grandfather gave it to my mom before he went off into war. Then my mom passed it onto me before I went to bed one night, and she was gone the next morning. Today, I'm wearing a beigh, long dress because my dad wanted me to before I went to the ceremony to pick out who will go to a place 5 hours away from our home town (California).


We reached the PAC and stopped in front of the 8th graders so they can get in first, because it has to be in an orderly fashion. When the 8th graders got through the door, our class came in.
Once we were all seated on the floor, we are free to talk for about 5 minutes.
The 2 best friends next to me went on charing about there childhood incase one of them was chosen, and since they've known each other for a long time, I had no idea what they were talking about. Thankfully, Mya is more of a shy girl, I got to talk to her since she wasn't talking to anyone else.

I tapped on her shoulder. "Hey Mya."


One morning in 3rd grade, there was this one girl I have never seen before. She was really pretty and seemed nice, so I went up to her, tapped in her shoulder and asked, "Are you new here?" She turned around, a little startled. She nodded. "Where did you come from?" She didn't answer. 'Must be the shy type,' I thought. "Oh! Also, my name is Bree. Bree East. But just call me Bree." I held out my hand for her to shake it. She was hesitant for a moment, but then she slowly shook my hand and gave a quick smirk. 'I hope this friendship last,' I thought.

*Flashback end*

"Hey Bree." She has this innocent voice that could draw people. I just had this thought, she would be a good kidnapper. She has a sweet tone, looks innocent, but has a violent mind; unlike anyone else in the little group of ours."What's up?"

"Nothin'." I replied,"Just a bit nervous." Nervous for what you ask. Well, I am in the PAC because we have this stupid thing:
-every 2 years, there is one person from the grades 7th-10th grade, to go live 5 hours away from there home town.
-you aren't allowed to leave the school after you learn about this 'tradition.' If you seem to run away, they find you(somehow), and your never seen again...
"Me too. But, what are the odds that one of us is going to get chosen. Try thinking about the bright side, Bree." Mya said with a small smile.

"Thanks Mya. You always have the right thing to say." I looked up from Mya for a quick second to see my principle walking up on the stage with a microphone know a wooden desk, with a clear, glass bowl next to the desk with a bunch of folded cards with everyone's name in it. I took in a deep breath while watching my principle walk up to the microphone and 'the bowl of devastation.' Mya turned around because she knew what was coming. Her face want from a little grin (from my complement), to a sad little penguin that watched a war.

The principle got up to the desk, "Hello, hello." She looked directly at me with a devil(ish) smile. It sent shivers down my back and as wondering why she had that smirk. I shook it off and kept listening. "So, you guys probably already know what you are here, so do you guys want to just get into it!?" She sounds so happy and cheerful. It reminds me of Effie Trincet from the hunger games. Almost everyone needed, impatiently because they have wanted to get it over with. She smiled, more devilish that when she looked at me, but did look at me, again. She was eager to do it, but I could tell she was covering something up. Again, I just shook it off. She reached her hand into the jar of 'death,' and swirled her hand around.

She pulled out a name

"And the person who will fly to another land is..."

She waited. She looked around. She scanned the room to look at everyone's faces, but to only see horrified faces because she was looking all around the room to see if she could spot that one person in the card.

She finally opened the folded up card and read it.

"Bree East."

So, do you guys like it so far. Sorry for the cliff hanger, I just love them! Also, in the picture up above, there's a blank spot for a reason. Someone needs to comment down their own character. It will need to include...

Any boyfriend(s)
Best friends (only 3 or less please)
Looks (hair, eye color, etc. {Could also private message me a picture of character})
Pet peeves
(Maybe) dislikes
Anything else that might be helpful


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