T H R E E - H E Y T H E R E L I T T L E G I R L

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Mrs. March

Chapter 3 - Hey There Little Girl

3rd person POV 

Jasmine stared into the vanity mirror at herself.

She was hungry and she didn't want to ask Elizabeth for some of her stuff.

This has happened to Jasmine many times before. She goes into a rage and wants to kill. She is a danger to the world. 

Right now she hated Elizabeth and wanted to kill her. She wanted to rip her jugular out with her teeth and drink her for making her like this. For turning her into a monster. For stealing James from her.

She wanted nothing but death.

In nothing but her lingerie, she walked down the hallway searching for a guest to treat her to a delicious dinner.

At that time John had been returning back to the hotel from working a case that he couldn't seem to solve.

"You seem stressed" John heard a quiet but seductive voice.

"I don't need a prostitute" John grunted out and heard a annoyed gasp.

"I don't need to sell my body for money" Jasmine angrily spat out at him.

When John saw Jasmine he automatically knew who she was. After all almost every little girl wanted to be like her. John's own daughter had Jasmine April posters all over her room.

"I'm sorry Miss. April-"

"Ms. April.. Im a widow" Jasmine cut him off.

"You've been married? You seem so young" John mumbled out in a gruff tone.

" I am much older then you think Mr. Police Officer" Jasmine winked.

"I'm sorry Ms. April. I am married" John coughed awkwardly.

"Oh? Trouble in paradise?" Jasmine nodded over to the half made bed.

She had followed John into his hotel room, a room she had once feared. James' office.

"We-We are just going through some troubles" John looked down.

"I'm going to assume you have children and that is why you and your wife are not happy anymore" Jasmine strutted over to the half empty bottle of scotch on the table.

"I have a child. A girl" John looked down and Jasmine smirked at this.

"Just one child? I can tell you're lying to me Mr. Police Officer" Jasmine giggled but you could tell it wasn't a happy laugh.

"Did he die?" Jasmine stared John in the eyes looking for any emotion to tell her she was right. "Was he murdered?" John's eyes flashed with uncertainty. 

"You don't know if he's alive or not" Jasmine let out a loud laugh before downing her scotch. Jasmine stared at him once again " And it's your fault" 

"How do you know all of this?" John stood up angrily. 

She must have something to do with it, John thought.

"I had a daughter" Jasmine whispered. " She drowned in the pool... I believe someone had killed her. It was my fault"

"I wasn't paying attention... I was busy with a guest. A young woman I had been trying to make leave. She ran off. Probably to play cops and robbers, oh she loved playing with her fathers handcuffs. A few times she had gotten stuck. She was beautiful. Long blonde hair, brown eyes. She was a spitting image of her father. Her father was a cruel but loving man. I heard my husbands mistress scream at the top of her lungs along with our maid. I ran to the pool area... she was face first in the pool. She knew how to swim... How could she of drowned in the shallow end of the pool?" Jasmine took another swig of scotch.

" I think what terrified me more was when my husband ran in covered in blood. Like head to tow in blood. It wasn't even -" Jasmine stopped speaking.

He was covered in Holly Taylor's blood. A woman who she had found later the evening, hidden in James' office. She wasn't even dead. James couldn't of drowned Cassandra and been torturing Holly at the same time...

"Oh fucking hell!" A drunk Jasmine yelled.

"Whats wrong-"

"He didn't even kill her! I'm a blood thirsty monster because I was a idiot" Jasmine stormed out of the room in a bigger rage then before.

She was planning on drinking James' pet John but she couldn't. Not like this.

"Jasmine! Jasmine! What's wrong?" Elizabeth had grabbed her.

"He was covered in Holly's blood" Jasmine laughed bitterly.

"What? Jasmine you're not making any sense" Elizabeth spoke calmly.

"James you fucking bitch! The day Cassandra died. He ran in covered in Holly Taylor's blood. He was upstairs killing her. And he killed me because I blamed him for something he was obviously incapable of doing! Im a monster because I'm a fucking idiot" Jasmine roared, pushing away from Elizabeth and out the front doors of the Cortez.

"James she has gone absolutely crazy" Elizabeth spoke across the dinner table later that evening.

"Jasmine couldn't harm a fly" James said in a monotone voice.

James did not like speaking about Jasmine. The woman he had loved and killed.

"I am still angry with you Elizabeth. You lied to me and let her get away" James glared at the Countess.

"James you murdered her and tried to keep her locked here. I had to help her" James barely ever got angry with the Countess. Only ever about Jasmine.

Before James murdered her it was about things like "She was too rough with her", "She didn't pleasure her enough", " She didn't like that and you didn't stop", or "She's uncomfortable with that"

Or Elizabeth's favorite "She had interrupted James and Jasmine's special times together"

Which was basically when they fucked alone without Elizabeth.

"I feel bad about murdering her. You know she's the only one I regret" James sighed. "Such an innocent soul" 

"Oh she's not so innocent anymore" Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"I heard from Miss. Evers that you two had relations without me" James said in a falsetto voice. He was angry.

"Well that's not what I was talking about, but yes" Elizabeth blushed.

"I meant that she is upstairs fucking, doing heroin and planning on killing a couple in her room" 


A/n- Thank you guys so much for voting and commenting!!! Tell me if you like the 1st Person POV or the 3rd person POV! Since this season of AHS is coming to a end tomorrow I want to explain where this book is in the timeline. This chapter is taking place after the Halloween episode. I'm going to try to keep all the minor details the same.. Such as (SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED LAST WEEKS EPISODE) Miss. Evers turning James in, Sally's backstory ect. 

Thank you for reading <3 

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