Chapter 4

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This chapter got deleted so I had to rewrite!


Sky's POV

Dawn walked out of the room and led me down a long hallway till we reached a door. She typed in a pass code and the door opened to reveal a armory.

Dawn led me inside and pulled me over to a iron suit (like an iron man suit). She hit a button on a wall and the suit opened to let me climb in. I climbed in and she hit a button closing the suit. The suit was a squid like color and had a S on the front of it.

"Ok baby it's not that hard to use. You just say what you want and it does it. See your right arm shoots fire and left arm shoots explosives." She explained with a smile

I nodded and I whispered "Fly" and I took off through a hole in the roof. I have a pretty good idea where the base is.

Ty's POV

"Hey guys home about we go out for breakfast!" I yelled

"Lets do dis!" Yelled Jerome and ran outside

We all laughed and ran out with him. As we were walking down the street I herd a way to familiar voice behind me.

"Hey! Hey Deadlox! What ya doin?" It said

I turned around to see none other than a squid

"What the hell do you want squid?!" I said trying not to punch it

"We'll you better watch your back or more importantly your spawn/base." It said

It turned around to see something flying towards where my base would be. I grabbed a horse that was in a field to my left and mounted it. (it's 5 miles away).

"Guys lets go!" I screamed and raced off

I hoped off my horse and raced into spawn the guys on my trail.

"Split up guys and save as many people as you can!" I screamed and ran towards the weird object

The spawn was burning and ruble was falling all over. I ran towards the weird thing in the middle to realize it was a person,but not any person.... Adam?!

Why was he doing this?

"Adam! Adam! What the blood hell dude?" I screamed

He turned around and pointed his explosive gun at me.

"Adam please no! I'm your best friend remember all the fun times we had?"

He just looked at me and he pressed a button on his suit. Suddenly everything was in slow motion. He pressed the button and the bomb came flying at me. Frozen with fear I just stood there. Next thing I knew I was on the ground and Jason was screaming. Huh? What happened? I looked over at Jason to see he had burn marks all over him and was bleeding out.

I ran over to his body and grabbed his hand.

"Jason? Jason! Stay with me!" I yelled

He just looked at me and smiled.

"Ty calm down it's ok I'm ready to die.' He said so calmly

Everyone rushed over and knelt down next to him.

"I'm happy I can spend my last moments in earth surrounded by people I love. Thank you all for the life you gave me. Even though it was not that long. I will remember all of you. Thank you......" Whispered Jason as the light faded from his eyes.

I stood up and turned around to look at Adam.

"You monster! I thought you were my friend!" Tears were coming down my face like a river. "I don't know how you could have done this! You killed one of your best friends! You d*ck! Get out of my sight!" I screamed

His face showed no emotion and he pressed a button a flew off. How did that happen? I was about to get hit, but how did Jason? Did he push me out if the way? Yea! He must have how did I end up on the ground then? Now I feel in debt to Jason stars now.

"Guys I need some time alone." I said and ran out in to the forest


Jason is dead!? What will they do now with out him?

Thanks for reading! Next chapter coming soon! I didn't want to kill Jason, but I felt it was right there! I'm so sorry Jason! -Caycee





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