||Show Me Your Face||Lelouch x Reader||

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Nobody likes me. I'm alone... I'm cold... I want it all to stop... Please...I'm so tired...

I knew exactly what other people thought of me. That one girl who is always alone and boring. I wasn't smart. I wasn't rich. And I sure as hell wasn't pretty.

I was just [y/n].

My scars tingled all throughout the day and I walked with a heavier slouch then usual. And just as always, nobody cared except for the few girls snickering at me behind my back.

Why doesn't anybody understand...?

I just want someone to be there...

But even with all this I kept these wishes locked away in my torn down heart because nobody would ever search in there...

Why was I so broken today?

Because I had lost everything worth living for.

I was in last period and pleasantly surprised to see my crush Lelouch actually in class today. Usually he doesn't care enough to attend.

I sat directly behind him, close enough to smell that amazing fragrance of his mysterious and indescribable scent, and the moment I secretly stole glances at his dark ebony tresses I was lost in la la land.

The teacher in the front of the room had picked now as the time to call my name in the middle of the lesson.

She cleared her throat, "Miss [l/n]! Tell me, what is the answer to this question?"

My gaze snapped to the head of the room. "I-I... I don't know... Mrs. [t/n]"

The class let out some light chuckles and some people were thoroughly laughing at my idiocy.

My face turned red from embarrassment as I looked down at my desk, hiding my face from the room of laughing students.

The rest of the lesson progressed well up until the bell rang. I let out a sigh of relief as I grabbed my bags and books, racing out the door.

If Only I knew what would happen next.

I had stepped outside the doors of the main building to walk in on a horrific sight.

The gorgeous ginger haired girl from the student council, Shirley, was pressed in a heated kiss with Lelouch.

My body froze. My heart stopped. My vision blurred, wet with stinging tears.

As soon as I got a hold of myself I sprinted out of my area as fast as my legs could carry me, unaware of the single book that fell behind.

I tried acting normal, making my way through the halls with a stoic expression my my features but I may have let a tear slip away unnoticed.

How could I think that? How could I ever believe Lelouch would ever like me? He was a popular student council member for God's sake! Almost every girl in the school loved him. Girls with curvier hips, shorter stature, nicer attitude, and more beautiful then me in every way.

How could I ever compare?

And so the moment I exited the school building my legs took off on their own towards my empty dorm room. When I threw the door open I instantly closed it, forgetting to oock it shut.

Once I was in privacy I crumbled to the ground, burying my face in my hands while my body was wracked in sobs.

After what felt like a century of crying my body dried out and I let my head leave my shaking hands.

Numbness clouded with systems with a dull, throbbing pain as I let my unsteady hand open my bedside drawer...

To reveal two small, full bottles of pills.

I unscrewed the tops and emptied their contents onto the bed.

I stared at the multicolored tablets with thought before I took them all in my hand.

Just as I was lifting the pills to my mouth I heard my unlocked door open to reveal the one and only Lelouch Lamperouge.

Lelouch took one look at the pills in my hand before running to my side and pulling my hand away and holding it to my side.

Despite our close proximity of him holding my arm in the air above the bed all I could think of was that Lelouch had stopped me from committing suicide.

"What the hell are you doing [y/n]!?" He demanded angrily, looking to the pills that were now dropping to the floor carelessly in pieces.

I sat there with a tear outlining my cheek.

"You... You know my name?" I asked with a bit of disbelied in my dull tone.

"Of course I do. Now tell me. What were you trying to do?!" I blinked rapidly, trying to think of anything but ended up telling him the truth.

I sighed, looking down. "I was trying to kill myself..."

I heard Lelouch growl lightly. "Why would you do that you idiot!?!"

"I-I just... I saw you and Shirley kissing... I just lost you to her! I couldn't take that!" I cried with my emotional sheild holding strong against the tears.

Lelouch was silent for a moment before replying. "I don't understand that any better then you. Just know she forced herself onto me. I didn't care..." I heard Lelouch mutter as he stared at my face.

My face was one mixed with unemotional blankness and relief and happiness, revealing no tears in front of my crush.

The more he stared at my face the more I felt like squirming under his deep violet gaze.

"I know you don't actually feel Like that, why don't you tell me about how you really feel..." I locked my [e/c] orbs with his purple ones and I slowly shook my head no.

"I-I can't!" I protested with me emotions tetering.

Lelouch sighed before he put his hand on my cheek and leaned his body in, pressing his lips against mine.

Lelouch had kissed me.

No sooner had it begun had it ended as Lelouch pulled away and looked deep into my [e/c] pools of color.

"[y/n]. Everyone wears masks. Everyone tells lies..." He focused his gaze into mine.

"I, Lelouch vi Britannia command you..." He paused.

"...Show me your face"

Almost as if an unknown force was pulling me, I felt my walls crumbling, chipping away piece by piece.

Until I burst into tears and cried into his uniform for the rest of the night.

Lelouch truly was my savior.

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