Miraculous: Chapter 13

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Adrien lay on his stomach. He had just made it out of the shower, it was a bit more painful than usual, but it was worth it to him.

Nino had wondered why Adrien was in a happier mood than usual these days. It had been five days since he and ladybug had been together and shared each other passionately one minute at a time.

They had seen each other the night before, for their nightly patrol, but didn't talk much about their last encounter.

Adrien sat up, and pulled his shirt over his head. He winced as the fabric of his shirt brushed against the deep scratches on his lower back.

Plagg looked at Adrien and shook his head.

Adrien looked at Plagg with a horrified blush.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, his voice shaking slightly.

Plagg floated up to Adrien's shoulder with a grin.

"Was it worth it?" He asked, his eyes motioned to the scratches across his back.

Adrien sighed, a dreamy smile tugged at his lips as he remembered the events that happened.

He couldn't help but to feel a little guilty.
He had been carried away, he went a lot more eager than usual, and it was because of his own pace that caused ladybug to scratch him up the way she did.
He pressed his lips together and looked to Plagg and shrugged.

"Shes always worth it." He replied.
Plagg rolled his eyes.
"Oh please..."

Adrien chuckled at his response and rubbed his temples.

He knew that revealing their identities to one another could be risky, but he could keep a secret if he wanted to.

He wouldn't tell anyone who she really was, and it was killing him that he didn't know who she really was.
She had said to give her time, but could that time come any faster?
He grew more and more impatient by the minute.


Sweat beaded at her hairline.
Her stomach had curled into knots, and her body had felt weaker than its ever been.

Her body tensed as she gripped on the sides of the toilet bowl.
She shook as she vomited violently, her body threatening to give out on her that very moment.

Her mom knocked on the door.

"Marinette... Are you alright?" She asked, her ear nearly pressed against the door.

Marinette panted, she stood up on shaking legs and began to rinse her mouth.

"I'm okay, mom." She breathed as she wiped her face and stepped out to meet her mother.

They had both descended the stairs towards the shop on the first floor.
Her dad had began to beat the eggs into the bowl.

"Would you mind stirring this up?" He asked, and started to push the bowl towards her.

With a smile, Marinette received so and began to stir the eggs.
Her father went to the back to retrieve other ingredients, while her mother started to set the display cakes.
Marinette whisked the eggs as best as she could.
The aroma of the batter immediately caused her body to tense.

She clamped a hand over her mouth and ran back upstairs as she became violently ill again.

Her mother paused and watched Marinette with a grimace as she ran up the stairs, her face almost a green color.

Marinette had finished and groaned.
Her brow furrowed as she began to swear and she wiped her forehead with her sleeve.

Tikki slowly emerged from the fabric covering her neck. She had done well hiding the fact that she was almost choked to death, and with a little makeup, the scar it left was barely noticeable.

Miraculous: Marinette's Baby (Miraculous FanFic) COMPLETED ✔Where stories live. Discover now